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Breastfeeding & Unsupported
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on Aug 01, 2012 (Read 2340 times | Comments: 27)
I am going for the whole exclusive breastfeeding thing for my little bundle of joy but my parents always tell me my baby would be happier with solid food already. My daught is 5 months shes almost there but my parents and their friends always have something rude to say! Whats with that?!

on Aug 23, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I can see how that can be frustrating. Just go with whatever you feel comfortable with. A mother's instinct is best :) I am also exclusively breastfeeding.

on Oct 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am still breastfeeding my daughter at nine months and she is on solids but I did not start her on them until 6 months. My parents were always trying to give her their food and I would get so mad at them. It is your choice on how you want to raise your child and not theirs. You just have to find a nice way to let them know that. My Dad will still ask me when I am going to quit breastfeeding and it is so annoying!

on Oct 17, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Do what you think is best for your LO.My son is now 14 and I'm still breastfeeding.I have alot of comments to when am I going to stop BF.I think we as the mom knoow whats best for them.I had the same issue.Everyone wanted me to start solid feeding,glad I didn't listen and waited till' he was 6 mnths.He's been a good eater and hasn't had a prob. With food allergies

on Oct 29, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am now breastfeeding baby #4. My oldest was exclusively bf until he was a little older than one. I was pregnant with baby #2 at the time, so I think he decided to be done as by belly was bigger and he could feel him kicking. I gave him baby food around 5 months. Baby #2 had to have pumped milk as I had to return to work, and he decided he liked bottle better. It broke my heart. Baby #3 didn't stop bf until she was 14-15 months. She loved to nurse. Baby #4 is only 2 months right now. The reason I went through all that is because you have to know you. You have to set your mind to what ever it is you want to do. My sister-in-laws would tell me not to even try because I would get tired of it. I never did. To me it is natural. I love to breastfeed. Sometimes you just have to ignore what is being said, not the person saying. Acknowledge their opinion and move on. Don't let it bother you.

on Nov 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've heard the same thing from my mom. Just continue with what you are doing. I'm breastfeeding my daughter who is 6 months old and giving her baby food. My doctor suggested that I start with green veggies, then orange veggies, and finally introduce her to fruit. My baby started with peas and then yams. I recently made her carrots with the magic bullet and she loves them. Family and friends will always give you their two cents, but remember you are the mom!

on Nov 29, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is breastfeeding my Grandson, she is getting the same type of messages from her In-Laws, who think she should switch to formula and feed him soild food. The In-Laws have given him frosting and ice cream at 3 months, caused serious belly aches. He is now almost 5 months and will not even get infant rice cereal until 6 months. Because she has researched and feels it is the best thing for him. Your babies nutrition is your decision. And I think you are doing what is best for her. I suggest finding a breast feeding Mom's group in your area if you can. Hang in there and stick to you guns, your baby will appreciate it. :)

on Nov 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm planning on breast feeding exclusively until my son is 6 months old and then I was thinking of introducing solid food. Luckily I haven't had to deal with my parents interjecting their opinions. I'm sure they will come because they had lots of opinions when we introduced the pacifier.

on Nov 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

i totally understand. i bf my 4 sons. my first son bf until he was 3 yrs old..he loved to nurse. the other ones all nursed til about 9 mos-1 yr... but giving food can really jack up your milk supply. I did that with my first son.. he was a football player shaped baby (still is, no fat, just an athlete) and his dr told me to strt him on cereal at 3 months. it messed with my milk supply kinda, but all i did was pump like hell and nurse him when i could to fix that. you can feed him now if u want to.. u just need to pump in order to keep your milk supply at the level its currently at...dont let ppls comments get u down. pp thought i was crazy for nursing my son as long as i did. but it was worth it, hes hardly sick and he is just the right size. As a mom, i think most like us love the idea that by bf, we are giving our kids the best start we can.. just go with what YOU want to do and ignore everyone else if you dont feel like their suggestion is somethng u want 2 do. Good luck :D

on Apr 02, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I exclusively breastfed my daughter till she was 5 months then i still brestfeed just also gave her rice twice a day and uped her food with her age. She will be 1 friday and still nurses every morning, do what you feel is right. every child is diff.

on Apr 03, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is now 24 months old and she's still nursing. She doesn't want to stop yet and she eats solid foods just fine (actually she eats a lot of solid food now and eats everything). I give her cow's milk once in a while but she doesn't drink it. Before she gags when she tastes cows milk but now she sips a little at a time. Do what you think is right for your daughter. I started feeding pureed food to my daughter when she was 6 months old and she instantly liked them ( specially the fruit ones). :)
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