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What is your opinion of fake eyelashes?
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on Jun 07, 2012 (Read 104934 times | Comments: 76)
Some people think they are too much, and look bad. Some people love lashes and would wear them everyday. When do you wear them? And when you do, are you wearing the natural lashes or dramatic ones?

on Jun 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wear fake lashes on special occasions but not every day. I think they are too much. THen again, I don't go overboard on makeup either.

on Jun 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hate fake anything!

on Jun 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to wear them but I have a hard time putting them on.

on Jun 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'd try them, but I think they're a bit much with thick glasses.

on Jun 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think fake eyelashes are a great addition they are easy to apply and add a subtle dramatic look you don't have to look like a drag queen but it can look like you applied your mascara well and thicker without putting all the black around your eye.

on Jun 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've only worn them a few times for special events and go more for the natural look - no sparkles or feathers or really, really long lashes. I think they can really enhance your look.

on Jun 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think they are fabulous and I wear them every single day because I have very short ,thin ,blonde lashes and I am very self consicous about my dull eyes and they really help .I wish they would make eyelash transplants less expensive so I could afford them instead of having to buy false eyelashes all the time .I do not care if my false eyelashes look fake they make me feel more confident and I dress for myself not for the opnion of others .

on Jun 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Iam lucky, as I already have long eyelashes of my own. I would be afraid to put anything on my eyelashes anyway, due to allergies. I've never even tried mascara before. Frankly Iam not a big fan of anything that isn't real. To each their own.

on Jun 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wore fake eye lashes once, but it was for a special occasion. My eyes felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable with them on, so I doubt I'll wear them again. When I had my lashes put on, they were done professionally; however, I see a lot of women attempting to put lashes on themselves and the white lash glue is visible, and the lashes rarely look natural.

on Jun 09, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't do the fake ones that you can apply at home. I do have the lash extentions that I get put on by a tech and I love them. They can last up to 10 weeks although mine usually only last about a month. My natural lashes are blond and very short so even when I do were mascara, they are barely there. I love the extentions because they are always there. Its wonderful to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and feel like my makeup is already on. After getting extentions, I no longer need mascara. I also had my eyebrows dyed so I can go almost makeup free now. Very low maintance on a daily basis.
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