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How did you meet your other half?
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on Apr 29, 2012 (Read 30773 times | Comments: 40)
So many threads are focused on not-so-positive things that I thought, "Why don't we share some happy memories?!" Let's remember that no matter what's going on right now, we've got at least one memory that might make us smile. I met my husband in 1995 at a local fish hatchery where my Agriculture class had gone for the week. My job was to cut off fish heads after measuring them and his job was to hand me fish. Very romantic, right? We were both soaked, I was covered in fish guck.. but he had the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. At break he walked over to his big black 70's Chevy pickup and that was it for me, I was SOLD! After many a break, bump & bruise, we got married at that same fish hatchery 7 months ago in the same spot that we shared our first kiss... by the same man that scolded us for having that kiss!! <3 Make someone smile and share your story! You never know whose life you'll impact with your words. -Namaste-

on Feb 01, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my current boyfriend a year and a half ago. I went to see a few bands play with my close friends and the band he is in was the headliner! My friend and I loved his band so much that we decided to see all of his shows for the whole year. After awhile, he started to notice my presence and would come and talk to me after every performance. It took a grand gesture of me driving to LA (from Phoenix) to see his band play while they were on tour to get him to notice I had been flirting for a year. After the first date we realized we have so much in common and have been dating now ever since :)

on Oct 31, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my love ten years ago but we just got into a relationship a year and a half ago. I am quite blessed to have him apart of me. All the things that I have been through was well worth it to find such a great love like this. He is everything that unconditional love is suppose to be. I bow at his feet for he is the King of my life.

on Nov 01, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Like nothing else is a committed relationship and a covenant marriage. Thanks @Aaliyahlove for sharing your special news....... Best wishes.

on Jan 01, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my husband back in 1996 and we been together for 20 yrs now and married almost 9 yrs, our annerversy in on Feb 14 2008, we met through family

on Jan 04, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

i met my boyfriend online in 2004 we chatted in 2002 or 2003 met on yahoo and than met in person in 2004 dated 2 years and than broke up for 3 years got back together in 2009 been together since than

on Feb 08, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Me and my husband were introduced to each other by a mutual friend via telephone. We talked on the phone for a month before we actually met. We saw each other for the first time at a high school football game.

on Feb 20, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband an I met on a "free dating website" and talked for a few days. However, the actual meeting was by chance; that January it iced barely and my class was canceled. Across the street was a Subway an I walked in and the person who greeted me was my husband, the guy online. He kept smiling at me but never asked my name. However, that night he messaged about my order. I do not know why but I went to his house an I am glad i did. However, we have had a rough patch for 2016, we have been together 6 years. I mention this because counseling and time apart can resolve a lot of issues. I will be honest the day we got back together officially was the happiest of our relationship.

on May 25, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was in a bad relationship. It was emotionally abusive and the guy cheated on me daily. I had recently asked if he wanted a titled relationship since we were "off again" at that moment. He never gave me a straight response so I took that as a no, but for some reason still hung around. Anyways, my current boyfriend and I met at the coffee shop where my ex was currently working. We even all played cards together one night. But the abuser was getting distant and I needed someone there and my current boyfriend was always there. That was 3 years ago and we are still happy and have a handsome son :)

on Mar 19, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my significant other at work and we automatically clicked. I really do believe in love at first sight, and not in an attractive way, but his mannerisms. He draws positive attention to himself, is the funniest man in my life, and was respectful while getting his work done. He must of gotten the same feeling because now we are better than ever, and have been together for a while. No one ever knows if they found their soulmate, but I really believe I did. Any man that sees you as a queen and you see him as your king is the man for you.

on May 08, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

Can you believe we met almost 11 years ago on MySpace and we are still together and still very much in love. We started off being in a group on MySpace and some guy on there was really mean to me so Rob sent me a message asking me if I was okay. We started talking a lot after that day and then one day he said he would like to visit me. So me being terrible at reading maps I told him that he was just in my back yard and it wouldn't take him long to get there. Well, he lived in Northern Virginia and I lived In Southern Virginia so it was a lot farther than my back yard. I was so embarrassed but he said it was only a 5 hour drive and that he had driven farther than that for work. He finally found a good time to visit and visited once more after that and then one day he said why didn't I just move in with him. So I did and we have been happy ever since.
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