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To Wear or Not to Wear Heels?
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on Jan 23, 2012 (Read 7054 times | Comments: 25)
Hi. I am a fan of heels but I have always been self conscious of my heights. I am a 5'7 Latina , most Latinos I'm around are much shorter, so I tower over them. People tell me "wow, eres grande" which means "wow, you are big". It makes be feel like they are saying I'm a giant. I have been getting comments like this from all kinds of people, even non-Latinos, since I was a teen. As a result I'm super self conscious about wearing heels. My new year's resolution was to wear heels and not be self conscious,so I recently bought a pair of 5inch heels. With the heels on I'm a little under 5'10, but I still haven't worn them due to my insecurity. I have seen other tall girls wear high heels and they look great. But I'm of average weight and I worry I will look like a giant. Should I wear heels or will I look freakish?

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Heels are amazing.. (: i love them.. But in my opinion if your gonna choose to wear heels dont complain. your just gonna look ridiculous complaining over something that you chose to wear. If you cant handle it wear flats. In my opinion the higher the heel the better... And like the saying goes the higher the heel the closer you are to god. lol (:

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to wear heels all the time, but due to a bad back, I can't. Please don't worry about what other people are saying. There are always going to be naysayers so you need to live your life they way you see fit.

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I can't wear heels since I was in my 20's. Just a short time in heels make my leg & back muscles atrophy... Also I used to work in the mall & watch people walking around... I could tell without seeing the feet who had flats & who had heels and the height of the heels with dead on accuracy. Women in flats had a fluid flowing comfortable flow to their gait, and a relaxed face almost smiling (if they weren't already smiling). The women with heels their whole posture was off... it was jerky, uncomfortable, stiff, hesitant, butt thrust out, spine totally thrown out of alignment, face stiff, drawn, teeth clenched, and any smile looked forced. Because of that I have not worn heels since I was 22 years old. I wear long pant suits to cover cross trainers, unless I have to wear formal wear. Then once the formalities are over I trade my dressy flats/low wedgies, for bare feet or cross trainers.

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you like heels then rock them.. Don't let other people hold you back. I personally do not where heels because I am clumsy, and they hurt my feet (don't know how you girls do it). Stand tall and be proud of who you are.

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

As a 5'2.5 girl (and yes, the .5 counts! ) I love heels! When I was younger and in high school I had a weak ankle (basically, I sprained it about once a month) Needles to say, I always wore flats. When I became a married women I wanted to feel more "grown up" (because I looked like I was still 16 even though I was 21 at the time!) So, I trained myself to wear heels. I started with half inch small heels and worked my way up. It took time but I forced myself to wear heels and wedges whenever I went out by buying only shoes with some sort of height to them. It's been 17 years and I can now totter pretty well in a pair of sexy stilletos. (yay me!) I must say heels do wonders for us petite women especially in nice jeans (I always buy my jeans about 2 inches too long so my legs look longer when I wear heels under them). So, in conclusion, they may be murder for your feet sometimes but nothing beats a great pair of heels!

on Feb 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I can walk just fine in heels and I don't wear them all the time. I just don't want to take people's rude comments to heart anymore, when I do wear them. I thank everyone for the support,I do appreciate it.

on Feb 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wear your pretty 5 inch heels and enjoy being tall. I will bet you some of the people that say you are big are thinking tall when they say big. I am 5'8 and wear heels. Just do it and do it again and pretty soon you will think nothing of it.

on Feb 03, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wear them. I wear heels everyday. It would be odd for me to be in flats. I even wear a heel with jeans. ANd all my sandles have a heel. So wear them and love being a woman.

on Feb 06, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wear them Mami!! :) Be proud of your height and don't feel self conscious!! I never wear flats, honestly, heels are much more comfortable for me...and SO much more fashionable!

on Feb 06, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Rock your height! If you love your heels, and they are tasteful and appropriate to the event, wear them. People that comment are usually just jealous or self leveling others to make themselves feel better.
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