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To Wear or Not to Wear Heels?
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on Jan 23, 2012 (Read 7101 times | Comments: 25)
Hi. I am a fan of heels but I have always been self conscious of my heights. I am a 5'7 Latina , most Latinos I'm around are much shorter, so I tower over them. People tell me "wow, eres grande" which means "wow, you are big". It makes be feel like they are saying I'm a giant. I have been getting comments like this from all kinds of people, even non-Latinos, since I was a teen. As a result I'm super self conscious about wearing heels. My new year's resolution was to wear heels and not be self conscious,so I recently bought a pair of 5inch heels. With the heels on I'm a little under 5'10, but I still haven't worn them due to my insecurity. I have seen other tall girls wear high heels and they look great. But I'm of average weight and I worry I will look like a giant. Should I wear heels or will I look freakish?
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