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To Wear or Not to Wear Heels?
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on Jan 23, 2012 (Read 7043 times | Comments: 25)
Hi. I am a fan of heels but I have always been self conscious of my heights. I am a 5'7 Latina , most Latinos I'm around are much shorter, so I tower over them. People tell me "wow, eres grande" which means "wow, you are big". It makes be feel like they are saying I'm a giant. I have been getting comments like this from all kinds of people, even non-Latinos, since I was a teen. As a result I'm super self conscious about wearing heels. My new year's resolution was to wear heels and not be self conscious,so I recently bought a pair of 5inch heels. With the heels on I'm a little under 5'10, but I still haven't worn them due to my insecurity. I have seen other tall girls wear high heels and they look great. But I'm of average weight and I worry I will look like a giant. Should I wear heels or will I look freakish?

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

You should wear them!! Don't worry about what others say, if you like them.....wear them! I have come to the realization that someone somewhere will always make a rude comment and you know what....I don't care! It must be awful to live in such a sad state that they live in to put people down all the time! If you feel beautiful in heels wear them!

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wear them!!! The only way to get over it is to just do it, my SIZL is almost 6' without heels and is taller than her husband but she still wears heels and loves it.

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

wear whatever u feel like..i wouldnt care about wht ppl are saying....esp. other gals..i am sure many guys love how nice n tall u r..besides don't forget all models r ur height n much taller:) on personal level,i m a petite 5'3 n wear heels all the time ,and if there's 1 thing i would love to have is -some height!! i would ve loved to be as tall as u r....so rock wht u got!!! who cares what others think.

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I saw wear whatever makes you feel good. Sometimes I enjoy wearing heels but they have to be comfortable so I go for aerosoles. I have had a lot of trouble with heels in the past so I have made the switch to aerosoles for that reason. I prefer flats to heels since I hurt my back but I will look 2 or 3 times (or just downright stare) at nice pair of heels if I see them in shop window! When it comes down to it, the person you have to live with your whole life is you. So do what makes you happy. People will talk no matter what...so just be comfortable with yourself.

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like the look heels give me but I choose comfort first. If I going to mall or shopping, I always wear flats. Why torture myself.

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

As a person who is only 5'2" i always wear 4"inch heels or higher. I come from a family where I am considered tall beacause the majority of us are true little people. Napoleaon complex maybe, however I have a friend who is 5'9" who also always wears heels she has no problem dating men and doesn't feel intimidated or intimidating to others. We strut our stuff like we are on the catwalk. Never let your height be an obstacle. And just so you know average is Awesome!

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you like them and own it, that's all that matters. I love the Wendy Williams show (guilty pleasure) and she looks great in heels even though she is almost 6 feet tall. I say go for it!

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you like them wear them! It is all about how you feel in them not what someone else feels!

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

No heels for me, flats all the way!

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

No heels for me, flats all the way!
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