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Gluten Free
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on Jan 01, 2012 (Read 18010 times | Comments: 32)
I Typed in Gluten Free in Recipes, and saw a Bulgar Burger, Bulgar is wheat, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgur I have Celiac Disease and am always up for raising awareness...Wheat Free is a scary thing for us with Gluten intolerance, as Gluten is in many things, including Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats (and hidden in many foods labeled as "modified food starch"...Thanks for Reading and Raising Awareness!!

on Feb 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've actually found a lot of gluten-free recipes through Tumblr

on Feb 04, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks for all the good info here. I do not have celiacs (been tested) but I am wheat intolerant. I would like to know how I can eat healthy and get more fiber without eating wheat products. Any help out there?

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have Celiac Disease as well as 2 of my 3 kids so we are gluten free. I blog at http://www.greatcontradictions.com if anyone needs help we have been gluten free for almost 5 years greatcontradictions@gmail.com

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks everyone for all your useful information about Gluten free. We found out recently that our 15 yr.old niece may have to be placed on a gluten free diet. I will certainly pass all this information on!

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

SIgn up on the Udi's Gluten Free site and they will keep sending you coupons. Also try the brand "Schar". This is a europeon brand that sells its products over here and can be found in many health stores and SweetBay. I have tried the crackers and bread products and you cannot tell they are Gluten Free. The heart and serve rolls are fabulous. Even my husband will eat them and said he cannot tell the difference between this bread and what he calls 'real' bread. I snack on the Ludenberg caramel rice cakes. Gluten free and satisfy the sweet tooth. Ludenberg also make some really good rice mixes that are all gluten free. Good Luck!!

on Feb 12, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by Britnev » 
SIgn up on the Udi's Gluten Free site and they will keep sending you coupons. Also try the brand "Schar". This is a europeon brand that sells its products over here and can be found in many health stores and SweetBay. I have tried the crackers and bread products and you cannot tell they are Gluten Free. The heart and serve rolls are fabulous. Even my husband will eat them and said he cannot tell the difference between this bread and what he calls 'real' bread. I snack on the Ludenberg caramel rice cakes. Gluten free and satisfy the sweet tooth. Ludenberg also make some really good rice mixes that are all gluten free. Good Luck!!

Hey, I think I've seen this brand sold at Fresh n Easy. They have a whole line of stuff there.

on Feb 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

In Trader Joe's there's a whole bunch of stuff which is ACTUALLY Gluten-Free. Check that out for sure. I was there today and actually founf Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip cookies with Rice Flour!!!

on Feb 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Keep in mind that gluten free isn't low calorie by any means, so be careful when eating all the processed GF stuff. it's still processed. I would stick to fruits, veggies and lean meats that are gluten free and then just add in some grains when wanted. Tinkyada is good for pasta, Quinoa is a great grain etc. But I'd be careful on heavily relying on packed processed foods that are GF.

on Feb 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Http://www.onefrugalfoodie.com offers a free eCookbook that is geared to whole food recipes for kids. Many of the recipes are gluten or dairy free, or at least contain directions on how to make them that way. Lots of yummy treats and great ideas there.

on Mar 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Most, if not all, seasonings, sauces, gravies, etc are not gluten free. You have to read the ingredient label and decode the ingredients.
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