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dark eye circles
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on Nov 02, 2011 (Read 54530 times | Comments: 46)
what is the best thing to do for dark eye circles are perminatly there, what is the best thing to do, it runs in my family and i look like a racoon, i also need to kno what is the best thing for making your eyes bigger as i have droppy eyes?

on Jan 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with Coachjunkie about the Obagi products. Works like a charm. My hubby has extremely dark sunken eyes and when we had professional pictures taken, I used the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind concealer on him. Cover it in an instant. Something else I use religiously is the Laura Geller "Real Deal Concealer". A little goes a long way and you won't believe the things it covers up (tattoos etc).

on Jan 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had some luck with a roller ball under eye reviver by Neutrogena a few years ago. It had caffeine in it and the metal roller ball you rolled under the eye to apply the serum was cooling. I think the caffeine actually helped with the dark circles. I am not sure if they sell it anymore though. It was about 18 dollars.

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

A good eye concealer, Clinique makes one helps somewhat. Try not to apply to much makeup in the undereye area or it will make it more noticeable!

on Mar 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

For those of you who have concerns with under eye puffiness and dark circles. There is an answer, ROC skincare. I have been using their line for several years now. I'm 49 yr's old when I tell people my age their shocked they always say "I thought you were in you 30's" I too have or HAD the under eye problems. As well as lack of firmness and fine lines. It's not a over night wounder serium it takes 2-4 weeks before you start seeing results. I use it at night and before I apply my makeup. I suggest going on line or calling the company where you can talk to a live person. Tell her what your looking for and they can help. Upon request, they will send coupons and free samples. Before using ROC I tried every thing. You can purchase it at Walmart or a drug store. Every 4-6 months Walgreen will have it on sale bogo 50% off thats when I stock up!!! I hope that will help, remember if you don't get the the results your wanting you can always return it. But at least wait a month

on Mar 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi I'm a master aesthetician & dark undereye circles can be tricky. Dark circles can be blamed on our thin skin under the eye area showcasing blood vessels. Vitamin K is used to coagulate blood so it's a great ingredient in eye creams. Caffiene works for puffiness since it's dehydrates the water from the area. Also look for ingredients that brighten the skin such as Kojic Acid, Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Licorice, bearberry & mulberry extracts. I'm not a fan of the bleaching ingredient hydroquinone. It is so harsh on skin plus it's a proven carcinogenic. It's banned in Europe where nothing is banned so that scares me. You can also try a product with retinol. You don't have to spend a fortune. Neutrogena & Olay Pro both make creams with some of these ingredients.

on Jul 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had this problem also because it runs in my family. My biggest problem was because I have always slept flat on the bed without a pillow or on my stomach and about a year ago I started sleeping on my back with my head on a pillow, My dark circles and puffiness disappeared overnight. The puffiness is caused by the pooling of fluids under your eyes and the dark circles are caused from the thinning of the skin under the eye area. There are some quick fixes you can do to make yourself look better though. Used Tea bags (cooled off in the fridge) help, Cucumber slices, Any eye product with vitamin K as a main ingredient is also real helpful. Good luck! Hope you see some results, just remember that stressing about it will only make it appear worse.

on Jul 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Caffeine eye cream.

on Jan 27, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would suggest try using any eye creme that repairs those problems or if you are like me and doesn't mind wearing make up there are really great information out there regarding covering or hiding dark circles so be sure to look that up I found for myself first I needed to find out what type of color circles they were blue tone or black then you can find out what products can mute those colors there are great techniques out there I use maybelline age rewind concealer in the brightener its more of salmon color it works wonders for me......try playing around with different thing to see what works best for you.....hope this helps

on Mar 26, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wet tea bags & cuccumbers are the best and cheapest way to rid of dark circles under eye.

on Mar 28, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have dark under eye circles and I have tried everything. The only thing I can do is us Pur Minerals 4-1 Disappearing Concealer. I use this stuff and it is amazing!
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