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What's the Best Supplements to Take to Promote Weight Loss?
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on Nov 02, 2011 (Read 4834 times | Comments: 19)
I have tried everything to lose weight. I just want to lose 10 lbs, without having to starve. I eat right, and exercise everyday. I even have made little changes to burn more calories....like....choosing to stand for most of the day at the office vs. sitting. With winter coming it seems as though my body has just shut down and it putting on lbs to stay warm for the winter. Now I'm wondering, if there any supplements or even weightloss pills that actually work to help me lose weight? Thank you for opinions!

on Nov 10, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Change your workout routine, drastically, even a day without workout can boost your calorie burn. Quick weight losses are usually the road to quick gains afterwards. You are doing great. Take 5 small meals a day, put a handful of nuts in between when you feel really hungry. They say Ally works great but you may not want to try that so close to the Holidays when the food has a higher fat contents. Hydroxycut helps some of us. What also helps take boxing lessons for a month, you use different muscles, burn calories and are pleasantly exhausted afterwards. Good luck and let's us know if you succeeded.

on Nov 10, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

One thing to keep in mind is if you turn your fat to muscle you will stay the same weight on a scale but look different. I realized I was geting smaller and looked smaller but the scale said the same weight. It was told to me while I had been using weights to tone trouble areas , like flabby arms, that I had just changed it to muscle. My jeans fit better and people said i looked smaller but I had just toned it up. I use something I found in hannoford, rite aid or walgreens called ACAI BERRY DIET.Hope this will help some.

on Nov 10, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I personally like a supplement called OxyElite Pro. It does not give you jitters and all that some others are known to give. You can use the supplements and they will help, however, you get the best results by eating well and exercising~all in conjunction. To lose weight, it is best to surprise your body by doing different exercises so that you are working out different muscles.

on Dec 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Right now I'm just keeping my calories under 2,000 a day, taking a vitamin everyday and exercising once/twice a week. We'll see how things go LOL

on Dec 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Call your doctor. I did that this year, for the first time, and they gave me a customized calorie range and exercise goal for my body and goal. It changed me. I've lost 40 pounds in the last year. I also agree to shake up your exercise routine, and add a few minutes more that you are currently doing. I just take a regular womens daily vitamin supplement.

on Jan 10, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

You should try Shakeology. You can use it as a meal replacement, replacing one meal a day. And it gives you lots of energy! You can get it at www.findshake.com

on Jan 10, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try talking to a Bariatric Physician, they specialize in weight loss and can offer a great deal of assistance in this area. I've tried weight loss pill a lot of different times only to see that most of them don't do anything except make you super thirsty all the time. You can also boost your metabolism by boosting your protein intake. Just curious...it's been a few months since you originally created this post, have you experienced any extra loss or found anything thus far that has helped?

on Jan 11, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi - I recommend the Jillian Michaels detox kit, which you can purchase at Walgreens or CVS. You take a series of supplements (in the order directed) for 10 days, and it reeeeally helps. My sister lost 6 pounds in 10 days with the kit and felt lighter and more energetic, too. You migth check it out and see if you think it would work for you. The ingredients are all natural and good for you. Hope this helps!

on Jan 12, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

the things mentioned here are quick fixes if you do not make permanent changes. I had lap band surgery and its a change but not drastic. I eat what i want only very small portions. excercise is key too. I do 3 days a week for 30 minutes. I still drink protein shakes for proper nutrition and vitamins like always but I have never been in better shape and came off blood pressure pills., Most health insurance will pay for it if you are hefty enough, Good Luck !

on Jan 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm currently eating whole grains and fresh veggies due to having high blood pressure for the first time. I am overweight and sticking to this diet has really helped. I don't drink sodas, just water and the must have coffee. Also I stick to green tea instant diet drinks. I can't do a lot of workouts due to having Multiple Sclerosis so I do have to be careful of what I eat.
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