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  School issues


ADHD and school aged children
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on Sep 17, 2011 (Read 28155 times | Comments: 43)
My daughter has just started her 1st grade year. Last year she was given the diagnosis of ADHD. They gave her medicine and have been monitoring her. Her teachers saw a significant improvement. Now that she has started the new year, she still has the same two teachers from last year, but nothing seems to work medication wise. They had changed her over the summer due to me noticing the hyper activity. She has been getting note sent home from school and she just started yett and new medicine. I have just recently started sending her to a specialist for behavior modification. Does any one have any suggestions on how I might me able to help her in school with being extremely hyper active. Or maybe someone has gone through this as well and could share their story.

on Sep 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

As a retired teacher, I know where you are coming from. My suggestion is to continue to keep in touch with the teachers and your daughter's doctor. There are many different kinds of meds out there. It can take time to find the right one. I have had students who did well on pills and others who did well on the patch. One other suggestion I have for you is to reward for the good days and ignore the bad. I assume the school has some sort of a behavior modification plan in place that let's you know how her day went. If she had a good day then reward her immediately upon getting home. It could be a snack, a favorite activity, an extra story at bedtime, a call to grandma, anything that makes her happy and will make her understand you are proud of her for a good day. If she has several consecutive good days make the reward a bit bigger. I hope this helps. Good luck!

on Sep 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thank you so much for the advice! I have never heard of an ADHD patch though. So far she has tried Ritalin, Concerta, Intuniv, and now she is on Adderall XR. But the adderall xr does not seem to be working. Do you by chance what the name of the patch was?

on Sep 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

my nephew is on Vyvance has been on this for a year or more, he was on Adderall before this. We noticed a big improvement on the Vyvance, he just started middle school so we will see how the new year goes.

on Sep 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Re: ADHD patch I contacted the parent of my ex-student who uses the patch. It is Daytrona.

on Sep 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have found that focaline works well and it is only used during school hours. Truly helps my child to focus on her work.

on Sep 19, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

TXaggie- Thank you so much! Also, thank all of you for the good advice. I have my daughter an appointment on Wednesday so I hope to bring those things up. Question though Mimi, is you nephew on Vyvance only or is it in conjunction with another med?

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree, it can take several tries to get the right medication or combination of medications. Make sure your daughter has an IEP at school and that you are keeping in contact with her teacher(s) and resource person. Does she see a Psychiatrist or Psychologist? Having someone who can talk to her and work with your family can be very helpful. My son was on the patch and it worked quite well (it's Daytrana) but he asked to go back on the pills as the patch was making him itch. He is (and was) on a combination of medications as he also takes Intuniv at night. He's on Metadate CD and it has been by far the best medication for him.

on Sep 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

One of my suggestions would be to make a daily log. Many parents need to realize what their children do all day. TV for instance. Kids that have the tendencies to be hyperactive also "veg" well in front of the TV. The reason for it is the TV shows as well as commercials are moving so fast, they are making the child's brain fire so many neurons at once. Then when the TV goes off, they don't know how to slow down the neurons still firing in their brain. causing them to be hyperactive. This is the same with hand held games and most electronics that require visual stimulus. The kids can't handle it. Do you ever wonder why they are so into let's say an insurance commercial. It's not that they are interested in it, but their brain doesn't know how to disengage. I have twins and on the weekends I let them watch TV, then I end up finding myself mad at them when the TV goes off, because they seem to argue with one another. I love TV, and electronics, but not for the kids!

on Sep 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

i wanna say i don't know you or you child, i would think of saying i knew what was best for any one, thats something you have decide for your family. but if your giving your or considering giving ritalin, you might like to know how the expirence of a someone who grew up taking it. i started taking it in 2nd or 3rd grade and it made me feel awfull,and bad about my self it affected ability to interact with other kids. and once i was self aware enough to realize i don't want this stuff and stopped, it was meany years were i felt like i had and inablity to cope or focu off the drugs. it wasn't till i seen a program about kids growing up on ritalin that i realized things i though were aspects of my personality were cuz of the pills. i don't blame my parents they did there best, and lessoned to me when i was able to express the negative feeling i was having http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn2qsNWdnn4 @ 1:10 you hear henry rollins explain the feeling.

on Sep 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

ps i am in no way anit-medication. i have seen the HBO short about kids whith learning disablitys and that one kid whos moms didn't want to medicate him seemed so sad. i just think medications are heavy duty things and should be taken lightly, and with all the advertivsing and stuff we have, i think its easy to for get.
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