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  How You're Involved in Your Communities


How do you get involved in your community?
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on Sep 12, 2011 (Read 365132 times | Comments: 97)
Many of us get involved in a myriad of ways in our local, school or online communities. How do you choose where and how to get involved?

on Aug 03, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well to start with, my husband and I run a food pantry at our Church, I also work in the children's ministry at Church. I am on an advisory board that deals with kinship issue. I also am a peer mentor to other Grammies raising their Grandchildren. as well as volunteering in several ways at a program that serves families raising relatives children. All of which are very enrihing to my life!

on Oct 29, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am very involved in veterans issues. I serve on a state jail diversion board veterans, am active in the American Disabled Veterans Auxillary, do public speaking on PTSD and incarceration among veterans, have run a support group for veterans families, and am on the board for a veteran's homeless shelter. I am passionate about giving back to those who have given so much to their country. I come from a military family and almost all of the men in my family have served during war time from world war 1 to Iraq and Afghanistan.

on Feb 27, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi, I am involved in my community by being supportive of the schools, in particular the Basketball Teams and any other school activity that may need support and help with our children at the school. I also participate in school/Cancer/Sports fundraising in my community by volunteering my Time and Graphic skills by donating my service in Promotions/Graphics and support. I also help a group of teenagers from my community raise or gather Food/Clothes/First aide/Basic necessities for the Homeless People of our town. Volunteering is fuel to my soul and light to all those who need the help.

on Mar 20, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am very involved with my church activities. Through my church activities I have had many opportunities to become involved with community programs as well. By being involved with church activities I have the opportunity to work with neighborhood children and learn about many of the needs of these children as well as the needs of the neighborhood. Being involved has given me the opportunity to make many contacts that have helped me in areas with helping children I work and also allowed me to open doors for my ownself. Volunteering has benefits for everyone but the important part is getting out there and being involved.

on Apr 20, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I manage a nonprofit organization called Cheerful Givers where volunteers assemble toy-filled birthday gift bags so that less fortunate parents can give their child a gift on their birthday. This can be done anywhere, anytime by anyone. www.cheerfulgivers.org for more info.

on Jul 08, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like to work in community gardens!

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I volunteer at the school whenever I can. In addition I also volunteer in the community when ever any opportunity arises.

on Oct 04, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well, I'm an event planner and I hire most of the people in my neighborhood for setup/tear downs, brand ambassadors and operations staff. I try to create opportunities for non-profits and charities at each event and when applicable, I allow students under 17 years of age to have tables or booths to sale their art or crafts.

on Oct 06, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been involved in women's volunteer groups in my city, and at our local church. I also taught a wonderfully fun and satisfying elementary art coop for three years. I closed the coop May a year ago....just in time for my mom to break her hip and need help, after which I had two surgeries that fall after school started. I'm helping now, as my health permits, as a TA for two of my son's classes. And I'm hoping to teach that art class again, soon!

on Oct 14, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just signed up to help adult youth with mentoring. I am very excited about it.
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