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  How You're Involved in Your Communities


How do you get involved in your community?
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on Sep 12, 2011 (Read 365012 times | Comments: 97)
Many of us get involved in a myriad of ways in our local, school or online communities. How do you choose where and how to get involved?

on Sep 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Right now, I am involved in the NYC business community by acting as a mentor for aspiring and established entrepreneurs and community businesses as part of my professional life. And I pitch in however I can for my girls' schools. I expect the school-related involvement will only increase as they get to public elementary school.

on Sep 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been on the pto boards of the schools my boys were in and on the athletic board. I am also very involved in my church

on Sep 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I help coordinate placing exchange students in host families and welcome families in my state. Am involved with a lot of school events, international parties, ski trips, social events, and in the past have coached girls softball. We have volunteered at botanical gardens. Also, Bountiful Baskets is in my area and we volunteer at that as well. It is simple to become involved with all kinds of events and happenings! Just ask any friend and he or she will point you in the right direction! :) Better yet, just offer to host an exchange student and soon you will find all kinds of new ways to meet people and volunteer your services. Start off at the library and ask there - folks in libraries are some of the most knowledgeable people in your community!

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am very involved in volunteering with my daughters' school in the classroom and with the pto. I am a Brownie leader for a troop of 19 girls and I am a life group leader in my church and belong to another group. I also host a mom's play group once a week at my home. Wow, I need to start saying no to something! I choose to get involved in areas that I can do the most good or have the most influence.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am involved in my community by being supportive of the schools, in particular the band program at the school. I try to stay active in fundraising for the band.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a member of the board of directors of our local YMCA/YWCA. I'm also a member and the secretary for my local volunteer fire department. I also assist with all of the sports activities my child participates it. I volunteer because I know the difficulty these organizations have getting assistance from the community. Anything anyone can do to help is always needed.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I work at my local YMCA and am looking into joining my Son's PTO next year when he enters 1st grade.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am retired now and age limitations prevent getting involved in many activities. However, when our children were growing up I spent a great deal of time volunteering with the organizations they were part of. Scouts, sports such as swimming, soccer, little league and water polo. I developed a program to keep the statistics for our swim team as one example. Ran the scoring table for club swim meets during the fall and winter seasons. We have a young grandson and when he needs volunteers for his activities will willingly get involved as much as possible.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I believe one should get involved for two reasons: 1) You see a need - if you have it in your hand to give, then do so. Be observant, aware that someone around you is suffering in some way. 2) You can relate to life experience - for example, my husband and I have been doing volunteer work for the past 19+ years, holding a church service at a nursing home, where people who have attended church all their lives and love the Lord and his work miss being involved. We encourage them to look around them, see the needs of others, using their gifts to help their neighbors (point #1). For us, it was an easy decision because everything fell into place based on our experience: My husband's family took in/cared for their elderly so he got to see firsthand the real concerns of the aged. I found myself drawn to older people as a child and learned much by listening to them. All these things give our ministry purpose.Volunteering should be meaningful to you in a personal way or you will give up.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am very active in our PTA.
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