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what do you think a 6th grader should wear?
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on Jul 13, 2011 (Read 22417 times | Comments: 56)
nothing to noticeable right? LIKE LIP GLOSS AND mascara could work?

on Dec 05, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was thirteen in 6th grade and I think a few of these suggestions are great. I was looking forward to wearing it all! there is a great line at drugstore.com called Geogirl. It has so really great products that are subtle and fun. Price points are good too! all around 5 bucks each. I went through a phase where I didn't wear any makeup up, so each woman is different. Some lip gloss and some lash tint never hurt anyone.

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think 12 year old have enough natural beauty that they really have no business wearing makeup. With the exception to some lip gloss i'd say that's all they should be wearing. This of course depends on each parent and how open minded they are about makeup. I for one wasnt allowed to wear makeup until i was 15 and when i was finally able i went wild piling on all kinds of stuff on my face....those were dark times...lol

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I work with sixth graders and I can honestly say I have not seen anything out of the norm...no heavy makeup. I think sixth graders should wear very little makeup...a little eyeliner...nice lip gloss, maybe some mascara...nothing too heavy. My daughter did not wear makeup until late 6th grade, early seventh grade.

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Unless she's in a pageant or dance recital...NONE!

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think lip gloss and mascara is it, there still to young to wear makeup, if they start early they will regret it later when they cant look natural

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think lip gloss and mascara is it, there still to young to wear makeup, if they start early they will regret it later when they cant look natural

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

It depends on the child some kids take make up too far but if your kid wants to wear eyeliner and other make up that's when you teach your child how to put makeup on appropriately

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think each household should decide what is appropriate for their own family. I personally do not think any 6th grader needs to wear makeup. Lip Balm or Lip Gloss can be applied if their lips are dry. Other than that, for my child no more would be needed.

on Dec 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

defiantly lip gloss...sometime i know its extremely hard to find the clear and if she is a blonde and her eye lashes are non existent you might opt for the brown waterproof to prevent smearing..eyeliner is to much for girls at this age and when they are just learning they tend to put on to much..if she wants eye shadow as well you might want to stick to pastels like a pink or peach (were she feels its there but you can barely see it a lil trick i learned with my daughter whom is in 6 grade as well) all that really matter is that they feel that they are wearing it thats all they really care about and if they go into the mirror they will see glitter on thier eyes

on Dec 10, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

The clear lip gloss is a great thing for a 6th grader. When I was growing up was not allowed to wear make up til the 9 or the 10 the grade rason being because it clogs their little pores. Then when they get older they may have all those spots in there faces. Which is good for their skin.
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