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what do you think a 6th grader should wear?
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on Jul 13, 2011 (Read 22371 times | Comments: 56)
nothing to noticeable right? LIKE LIP GLOSS AND mascara could work?

on Oct 05, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would say lipgloss, a light eyes shadow, clear or brown mascara, maybe a little foundation ( if she has complexion issues). But it would be a great bonding time for a mom and daughter. You could have a " Spa Night" and teach your daughter how to apply makeup properly. You can also show her how much make up is appropriate for her age.

on Oct 05, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think lip gloss and mascara is fine. When I was that age my mom let me have fun with make up. But I couldn't wear it to school, but it taught me how to do my make up for when I went to middle school.

on Oct 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Lip gloss and light blush. They are still so young. They don't need to look like a high schooler.

on Oct 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with the majority -- a coat of mascara and lip gloss. I also had extremely oily skin at that age. We didn't have the blotting sheets back then but I love them now, so a pressed powder and the blotters would definitely help anyone with oily skin. I did sneak on makeup in 6th grade (I would put it on after my mom left for work) --- it was blue eyeshadow and bright blush. Looking back, I'm sure I looked like a clown. When my daughter gets old enough to wear makeup, I will definitely show her how to apply it.

on Oct 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

When I was finally aloud to wear make-up, my mother had bought me clear mascara. Only downfall with clear mascara, is it starts to flake after a few hours. I honestly reccomend a brown mascara; black may be too much. When it comes to eye shadow, I think a color slightly darker than the eye lids will be perfect!

on Oct 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Sixth graders should not be wearing any makeup at all.

on Oct 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is why I love having a boy, lol. I don't have worry about stuff like this. I could use Bonnie Belle lipgloss and paint my nails, but I could not wear rewal make until I was turning 14, going into the 9th grade.

on Oct 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Jedevine, I agree. I was 11 in the 6th grade, my parents would have killed me. lol

on Dec 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was first allowed to wear makeup in 6th grade too. Unfortunately, I had no idea how to put it on or how much. I went WAY too heavy on the eyeliner. I would suggest going to a department store or Avon/Marry-Kay type party to have a professional put together something specifically for you. That can be really cheap if you only buy a thing or two and from then on you'll know what to do and what looks good on you. It's worth a try!

on Dec 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Clothes :D................................................... Haha Im just kidding. I think sixth grade is the right time to start expeirmenting with makeup. That way you wont go overboard when your older. I would go for a more natural look. Some concealer and foundation is nice. Some mascara, if applied right, can look really pretty and really natural. Try not to look like those girls who have so much eyeliner on that their eye sockets look lik a black hole. They might think its cool, but its wayyyy not. A clear lipgloss or a soft baby doll pink one. Also what I like is lip tints. They have some by Soft Lips and Burts Bees. TIP: If you write a letter to Burts Bees asking for a free sample of their lip tints, they will give you two of them. By doing that you save 14 dollars plus tax. Anyways, I wouldn't use too much eyeshadow. If you do use a neutral color. I just don't think a sixth grader would look good in a Black smokey eye. i would just like to note that its 2:42 Am so Im looney
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