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Nook, Kindle or ?
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on Jul 11, 2011 (Read 25297 times | Comments: 27)
I have a Nook and love it! But I bought this last August before it lauched in color and now wonder if I should upgrade or try something different. What are you thoughts on which one? Pros and cons would be great to read about.

on Jul 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a tablet that I bought, I looked at all the readers and found the tablet at Amazon (only has WiFi) for less. I can use it to read, get online, read emails and it runs on the Android platform so games and other fun applications. It is heaver but still easy to stick in your purse.

on Jul 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also have the Androis Galaxy tablet. I was looking to upgrade my phone yo sync with my work and home e-mails as well as my Outlook calendar etc. It made more sense to keep my old phone and buy a tablet. My tablet i-s the same as having a laptop and a nook rolled into one. It is small enough to fit into my purse, both e-mails are readily acceptable, both calendars are sinced, I can download books onto it and also let my grandchildren play games....one data plan instead of two...............I absolutely love my tablet! Got it from Verizon with a $50 discount and only paid $140 (though this does require the two year agreement)

on Aug 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a nook and I love it. I can borrow books from the Boston Public Library for my Nook. The best thing is that it's all done electronically, so I don't have to leave my house! They don't yet support the Kindle, so the Nook was a good choice. I save a ton of money by borrowing instead of buying! The only complaint about the Nook (color) is the battery life). I'm sure the black and white has a longer battery life.

on Aug 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have an iPad and I love all of the things that it can do! It is invaluable for my work and my play. It is faster than the netbooks at which I was looking and cheaper as well.

on Aug 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Kindle. I find I read books much faster than if I read the paper version. Not sure why though. But I love it. Just wish it was backlit for reading in bed.

on Aug 25, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Don't have either yet, but hope to have one soon still trying to figure out which one I would like the best, so I will be reading these reviews to get as much info as I can. Thanks

on Aug 25, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I want a tablet, but I'm not sure which one to get and I don't know how internet access works.

on Aug 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have the Ipod Touch 4th generation and have downloaded the kindle app and love it!

on Aug 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

By the way the kindle app for Ipod touch is totally free to download and use all you need is to have an iphone or ipod touch and you can purchase books for it or download the free books that the offer.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just bought the Nook Color and I love it. Especially to read magazines. I love the nook b/c right now it is the only ereader that you have the ability to rent from the library. This was not open to Kindle or Ipad due to software issues I am not famililar with. I also love that it has a backlight and can be used and seen without issues in a variety of locations.
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