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Why do YOU need a new hairdo?
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on Jun 22, 2011 (Read 248021 times | Comments: 110)
With life so hectic, us ladies tend to miss a few hair appointments here and there. We want to know why YOU need a hairdo? Maybe you have an event coming up or you just need a change? Speak up and share your answers!

on Sep 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I get a cut every 5 weeks and a new style about every 2 years. Even if the new 'do' isn't a drastic change, it freshens my look and keeps me from getting into a rut.

on Oct 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I cut & color my own hair. I have been doing this for quite a while since I found that when I go to the salon it is equally as good as when I do it myself or it never turns out the way I want. My problem is the silver, sparkly tinsel like (see: msmary1962 above) streaks that no hair color seems to cover. I have tried several brands of permanent hair color (my hair is light brown & I either streak it or totally dye it ash blonde) Any suggestions as to what to do? I don't go to the salon any more since I retired (Enough said!!)

on Oct 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

First I will give a reason why I have not had my hair done in awhile number #1 reason being guilt,money has been tight since I went part time to be home with my kids and if I were to spend money on my hair I would honestly feel like I were taking away from my family. Then agian I have let myself go in a bad way and lost my own personal confidence. I need to get my hair done for "Me" I want to feel attractive and important agian no more pulling my hair back in a ponytail.

on Dec 26, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well, I have the same long hair I have always had because it makes me feel very feminine. But there is something new. I am growing out my bangs so that they will blend in. But I never get a new hairstyle.

on Dec 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just took a HUGE LEAP and had my hair cut from below shoulder length to a fresh Pixie cut!!! I feel great and judging from the many compliments I'm receiving, I look pretty fantastic, too! It seems that I have needed to do this for some time - so glad I felt courageous! Now I'm ready to tackle 2012!

on Feb 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

i have had the same flat "butt crack" hair-do since..well my kid is 7..so like 10 years :/ its time for sure...

on Feb 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have waist length hair and I am Italian so it is dark and I am 42 so I am getting gray which means coloring! I have no style, just long hair that is truly unruly. Only straightening it tames it, but it seems to take forever to straighten and it doesn't last long.

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 35 and have been growing out my hair for a couple of years now. It's now down to my waist with lots of long layers. Is 35 too old to be wearing hair that long? I'm thinking it's time for a new do!

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

as a hairdresser, i know it's hard to find time, but you owe it to yourself to get that little pick me up on a regular basis! when you look put together, you can face the world!plus you can tell all your problems to your hairdresser while you are in the chair, it's a twofer!

on Feb 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I want to start looking professional. I've had the same hairstyle all my life (just at different lengths) and it is so boring. It's basically just straight with a part down the middle. As a mom of 2, I have no time to do anything in the morning except throw on clothes & a little makeup before going to work. My two go-to styles are either down or in a pony tail. It sucks.
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