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Why do YOU need a new hairdo?
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on Jun 22, 2011 (Read 248027 times | Comments: 110)
With life so hectic, us ladies tend to miss a few hair appointments here and there. We want to know why YOU need a hairdo? Maybe you have an event coming up or you just need a change? Speak up and share your answers!

on Oct 02, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Even though we may think we know how to treat our hair, its always good to go to a professional to tell us our hair progress. I need a new hair do so I wont look like anyone else, I wanna make myself look good. I don't need anywhere to go just me and my mirror :)

on Oct 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

🎀I need a new do desperately.😒I have 3 inches of roots and split ends ANNND a grown out Victoria Beckham style bob where the sides are longer than the back 😔🎀

on Dec 27, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a stylist and for all of you I can tell you it is amazing how the difference I see on peoples faces when they first come in and wen they leave. it is not always the new look it is the time that you take for yourself. as moms or wives and so much more we forget us. never forget you are a women and you are beautiful.

on Dec 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am going to beauty school and I always tend to be the one giving the new hairdos! I never really get a chance to get a new style myself between time and money constraints.

on Jan 10, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had my hair short for a while and grew tired of it. Now Im trying to grow it back to it original length and maybe even longer. If I want to change things up I just look on youtube for new hairstyles and howto. There are lots of videos of different girls that will teach you different ways to wear your hair whether it is short or long. I do the same for make up so I dont get bored of wearing same style of make up every day.

on Apr 13, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like changing up my hair alot. it gives me confidence. and people notice when you change it so you get compliments

on Nov 02, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I got my hair cut 2 years ago into a bob that I hated (stylist cut too short for style I originally wanted so I just pointed to a person and said I'd do that style). Had never had my hair shorter than my shoulders in my life and I haven't cut my hair since! It's finally back to the normal length so I need to desperately cut it once I find time lol 2 years is tooooo long.

on Nov 04, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Makes me feel beautiful and fresh. Sometime to released stress

on Nov 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I need a new doo because as i age i am noticing my hair is getting harder to manage, so i need something where it's easier to fix, not so much curling and straightening

on May 01, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usual I get a new hairdo when life is going crazy and I feel like I need some sort of control. I get this from either chopping my hair off or deciding to let it grow. I am the only one that has the power to decide whether I cut, color. or grow out my hair. Well, besides a higher being that is. Right now, I have my hair past shoulder length which is the longest it has ever been in the past 10 years.
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