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What Are You Doing to Help Our Planet?
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on Jun 07, 2011 (Read 11194 times | Comments: 26)
My family has made so many changes the past couple of years. We are using reusable bags, buying much more local food, not using as much paper and water. We installed a rain barrel and now have a small garden. We also bought a car that gets great gas mileage. Do you do things like this, do you think about it, or do you just not care? I'd like to hear!

on Dec 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recycle, and I have stopped buying plastic water bottles. We have metal water bottles instead.

on Dec 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I always turn off lights when leaving the room. I also try to unplug electronics when not in use. I've already switched bulbs and use reusable shopping bags.

on Feb 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

We use care when picking out laundry detergents, have a car with good fuel economy, buy as much used as possible vs new (thus creating less waste), with our computer business we try to sell used computers and give waste to others to recycle, we buy local meats from a butcher and many locally grown veggies and fruits, we ride bikes for errands (weather permitting), have reusable grocery bags, reuse any plastic bags we end up getting if I forget the others, use compact florescent lights, use smaller kitchen appliances thus using less electricity, insulated the house further as to prevent heat/cooling loss, blocked vents so we don't cool unused rooms, use space heaters instead of heating empty rooms, sealed air leaks in this old house...

on Dec 06, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been composting our kitchen scraps and newspapers for years and now have great soil in my garden! Every year my garden gets bigger and has more success. We use cloth napkins and rags instead of paper towels and napkins. I used wooden pallets in two homes as artwork and made a table out of one for my sons in college. They love them!

on Apr 23, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I compost garden harvest rain water and do not use plastic bags.

on Apr 23, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

love the pallet idea !!

on Dec 05, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

We also have more recyclables that regular trash. I just lugged all of it to the recycle bins this morning! I also switched to using cleaners and products that are concentrated so they use less packaging and I order directly from the manufacturer which reduces the environmental footprint of all that unnecessary shipping and stocking.

on Dec 12, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Help our planet do what? Our planet is pretty resilient, and doesn't need our "help". If all those actions make you feel better, then you are doing them for yourself. Our planet has survived the ebbs and flows of the dinosaurs, solar cycles which bring about (NOT manmade) global cooling and warming, and yes, even us humans. The earth will be here long, long after mankind has disappeared. One question for those who use cloth napkins instead of paper: do you use hot water? How much energy do you think is expended in the washing of those napkins, as opposed to using paper ones? Every action has a consequence, so changing an action just places the burden elsewhere. Just something to think about...

on Nov 21, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow msfriendly, that is awesome, I wish I was as so deep into it as much as i like. So far I recycle all I can, and we do a sort of mulching, our version is save all the veggie/fruit bits and put them out in the yard instead of throwing in garbage. I also have been buying some used clothing items on a few cool websites, since I was already a Goodwill girl its not much of a change.

on Jan 15, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

In our city we have mandatory recycling which is great. I also have two rain barrels and it is amazing how much better my flowers and plants love that rain water! I use cold water washing as much as possible and line drying for clothes. We grind up all of our leaves to cover my flower beds in our harsh Winter and mulch leaves to keep our lawn healthy. I frequent Rummage/Garage Sales and our local Thrift Stores a lot because it is amazing what you can find there. I stopped buying water in plastic bottles and now drink it from the tap with a Pure Water Filter. My daughter is an avid "re-use" fan on the internet and gives us wonderful ideas to re-use just about everything!
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