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Long Time Couples Separating?
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on May 11, 2011 (Read 2117 times | Comments: 15)
More and more long time celebrity couples seem to be calling it quits! Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver recently announced their separation after 25years of marriage! While time together is definitely something to be proud of - it goes to show that while time may past, feelings can change - drastically!

How do you feel about couples separating after years and years of being together? Do you think it was coming all along? Do you think celebrity couples have it harder? Or is it all just a "show"?

Check out the SheSpeaks blog on Arnold & Maria: http://www.shespeaks.com/blogdetails/142032

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think that it is sad when any couple separates/divorces. It wasn't too long ago that my husband and I experienced some turbulence in our relationship. With marriage counseling, individual counseling, and a renewed commitment to one another, we were able to get passed it. It's been a few years now and I am so glad we chose to stay together rather than separate. He really is my other half and we have full transparency in our relationship (a condition of our choosing to remain together). However, I know that might not be the choice for everyone, especially when infidelity is involved, as it was with Schwarzenegger. I empathize with them both and hope that anyone who has suffered the loss of their spouse for whatever reason is able to heal and move on.

on Feb 22, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have to say I think it's okay to break up and separate. I know it will be hard and take a lot of getting over but I would rather separate than have that person cheat on me whether upgrading or downgrading. I would still be much more devastating to have an unhappy cheater sticking around simply because he's obligated by years. Heck No! Carry on... Be gone! No it is not that cut and dry but I would rather that happen and realize my self worth than to deal with anything other. My mother always says," A man will always be a man, but you can't give your all to him because if he cheats or leaves, you'll still have some left." She means you'll still have dignity, self worth, self esteem, money, respect and especially love. And all of those other things that make us think we can't go on without him if he turns not to be the man of our dreams.

on Mar 22, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband and I are not famous. We have been married 19 years, and I recently told him I want a divorce. I have been unhappy since pretty much right after we married, but I hung in there, thinking it was better for the kids. I finally realized that both parents being happy would be better for the children. It is currently rough for them, but they are dealing with it very well. I just wish my husband could accept it, and move on with his life, and let me move on with mine.

on Dec 07, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

I?ve been married for almost 30 years. I think the key to a lasting marriage is communication and dedication to each other. When couples become centered around themselves or their jobs, or strictly the children, they lose site of each other and why they fell in love with each other. Marriage is not always easy, but it?s worth the work. My husband and I have been through more than many marriages will ever see. I?m hoping most people will never go through what we have experienced. The couples who do, either become stronger or fail. Luckily we have grown stronger each time God challenges us.

on Dec 27, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do not think it's all a show, celebrity couples have it hard. Making time for someone when your life is incredibly busy with concerts, movies, or shows is difficult. Additionally, there are many temptations, such as cheating, drinking, or drugs-- all things that dont belong in a relationship.
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