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I feel too tired to exercise!!
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on Dec 09, 2010 (Read 6275 times | Comments: 11)
Ever since I had my daughter I've been too tired or just lazy for exercise I need something that works with my schedule I'm just drained between picking up after my husband and chasing after my daughter cooking and cleaning and making sure everyones happy i just dont know what to do I need some advice!!...please help?!??!?!?

on Dec 13, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am in the same situation. I have a 3 month old and work full time. What I have started to do is work out before their day even begins. Getting out of bed some days is a pain but this way you haven't worn yourself down to nothing. I felt like working out after dinner time was a joke because I was so pooped out I didnt get a good work out or I just flat out did not go.

on Dec 13, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

i believe that a person don't have to exercise just to exercise! day to day chores are already an exercise! as long as there is body movement and exertion, then u are exercising!

on Dec 20, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with pure34. Right now your body is protesting...there's a reason...you've been through a lot. Just doing chores and caring for a little one is enough for now. Don't force it. You'll get your energy back soon.

on Jan 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Why not start doing something like Yoga, it can be very relaxing, I love Gaiam's Yoga DVDs, they have an AM and PM one. THe AM one will energize you and the PM will help you relax and you'll probably sleep better. Just remember it is okay to take time out of the day for YOU! Your husband can watch your child for an hour a day so you can get in some much needed "Me" time. Women tend to put everyone ahead of themselves, but if you aren't okay, then what happens to everyone else that you help support? Make sure you are taking your vitamins. Have a great smoothie for breakfast that includes some healthy fats, fats keep your brain operating at a positive level and certain fats will also help with some energy, try a tablespoon of coconut oil in a smoothie of fresh fruit, and some milk. You just have to find the right balance. Good luck and congratulations on the new family member.

on Oct 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

hi, you might want to have your thyroid checked. all your hormones get out of whack when having a baby and maybe that is the culprit. many many years ago, i had zero energy to do anything but work, eat and sleep - tired all the time. turns out my thyroid was not working, it is a simple blood test to check it. also, you do not need heavy duty exercise, just going for a relaxing walk with your little one will get you exercised, outside (soaking in vitamins d from the sun) and feeling better in no time!

on Oct 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Put on some dance music and dance with the little one. I use to do this with my oldest grandchildren and they loved it and I got my exercise in. It entertains the little one and keeps them from getting into everything for a while.

on Apr 03, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was there myself. I take plexus which helps my body in many ways and helps me energy wise. it is not a stimulant. they do have other products that have stuff to give you energy and aids in weight loss but I have not tried them. I absolutely love the products. I no longer need coffee and other things to keep me awake and i have started craving healthy food again and my sweet tooth has lessened sooo much. let me know if your interested in info.

on May 04, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

pure34. I agree with you. I hate exercising, but after I clean the house, especially sweeping the floor and scrubbing the tub, I get so tired and sore the next day. I am the person who needs motivation, but my motivation is cleaning my house. Also I get exercise when I am walking to the mailbox or taking my trash out. I sometimes even lift my little cousin who is four.

on May 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I find it hard to find energy to exercise as well. I know that if I exercise I will have more energy but I need to get to the point of doing it first!

on Jun 13, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

It was hard for me to exercise too for a while but i found that it was easier for me to actually exercise making a little change in my routine. I would get home very tried from work and just wanted to take a nap. Now, once I get home from work, instead of changing into my comfy lounge around clothes and getting into bed, I change into my workout clothes & put my tennis shoes on. I don't know if it is a mental thing but I don't want to get into my bed. I actually feel energized. I go to the kitchen, make dinner and start stretching before i get on my treadmill. Just a little change can make a difference.
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