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No Babies
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on Oct 16, 2010 (Read 51702 times | Comments: 22)
This is just a little vent. I'm 28 years old and just got married. My husband and I have been together for a total of 9 years. Everyone always asks us when we're going to have kids and both of us always reply "Never". We really have no interest in taking care of a child. Not to mention, we love to travel and still have many places that we'd like to go. We are very active and like to go out all the time. We just couldn't imagine being on someone else's schedule. Why does everyone always make you seem like you're a terrible, selfish, crazy person for not being totally in love with children??

on Mar 20, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

There is not a void to fill when you dont want kids. Thats the very problem the poster is complaining about. When your childfree by choice your not MISSING anything. I am 32 in may, with my husband since 2001 no kids. I get sick and tired of the questions also. I have other priorities. Get very frustrated with all the well pets are a good replacement. They are not replacements, i dont want kids. ha ha ha god it kills me

on Mar 20, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I got married the week after I was 21 so I went through many many years of being asked that question about kids-- at Christmas parties, and family picnics, etc. When I was about 35 or so they finally got the hint that my husband and I did not plan to have children. People with kids dont realize how uncomfortable it makes a couple feel. My parents and siblings were super cool with it, but some of my uncles and aunts would constantly ask us about having kids. I know they didnt mean any harm but it is annoying year after year to be asked that. I dont ask my single cousins when they are getting married. First of all, it is none of my business and second, it might make them uncomfortable. Some people are more thoughtful of others feelings. How boring would it be if everyone did the same thing..Some get married, some have pets, some have children, some stay single, etc. Whatever makes you happy. Like I always say, I am a proud dog parent.
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