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Sewing - a Great Skill!
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on Aug 31, 2010 (Read 5795 times | Comments: 41)
I learned how to sew many years ago, when I was in high school and had a girlfriend who used to show off her beautiful outfits that she made for near pennies. Consumed with interest (and jealousy), I sort of hung around as she would sew, and she was patient and considerate enough to teach me the basics. (I should mention that she went on to become a great seamstress and couturier until her too early death a few years ago.) My Mom only had an ancient knee-treadle Singer, and my Dad (who had learned to do his own repairs during the Great Depression) is the one who actually showed me how to use it. I then went on to marry, have 2 kids, have a full-time job, dog, cat, etc. etc., but I always enjoyed my sewing. It is very crreative, relaxing, and fulfilling. And let's not forget that it is very thrifty. Even if all you use your machine for is to make repairs in clothing and household items, it will save you a fortune! Patterns are very easy today, so try it, ladies!

on Sep 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Violinjure - I just saw your reply - did you start your sewing hobby with little toys for your kids? Do you have any pattern suggestions? Maybe I should go to the store and see what I see!

on Sep 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I miss sewing. I used to make things for my kids all the time, including all the halloween costumes. Now with a wild 1 year old under foot I never get the time.

on Sep 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

With a needle and thread, I can get a button stitched on, and have made small pillows and such. But my 14 year old athlete has found the sewing nitch. Or gift you could say, a teacher challenged the class a couple a years ago to make a old time lunch pail cover. My daughters (no help from me) turned out like a small quilt. Beautiful, I had it framed. I know, I think that was just a mom thing. But since she has made pot holders, aprons, etc. as her Christmas presents for me and grandmas. I am so proud of her. Now my youngest is trying with a baby blanket, so we shall see.

on Oct 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Sewing was 'required' in our middle shool (way back when). I hated every minute of it because of the horrible teacher. I took it again in high school and found I actually loved it and have been sewing since. I have made everything from placemats to winter coats for me & the family. Now my children have children so I sew for them. When I look online and see some of the prices they charge for simple dresses or pants for children it's outrageous. I make the same exact things for a fraction of the cost. I do study the online trends so my grandchildren don't look like they just came off the set of Little House on the Prarie!!! I haven't yet tackled a quilt. I tried to once, but I hate the cutting. If I could eliminate that, maybe I would try again. My two oldest girls took sewing classes outside of the school system. The other two were not interested when I tried to teach them, but I am teaching my granddaughters to sew and they seem to love it.

on Oct 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I used to sew, got away from it, now am getting back into it. I am considering a dress form, and wonder if anyone else uses one? Also wondering if anyone can suggest seperate machines... sewing, serger, and embroidery, or a combination machine? the combos seem like it would be a pain to change all the time. Or if you have several projects going at once.???

on Oct 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to sew in my down time. So relaxing! I haven't done it in years, but I just recently picked it up again because I'm making Christmas stockings for my boyfriend and I. Good way to expand your creativity!

on Oct 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

oceangirl1... Did you try looking at yard sales for patterns?

on Dec 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I can't really remember how old I was when I learned how to sew the basics like sewing on a button or hemming a dress. I learned how to use a sewing machine in high school home economics class (anybody remember those). It is a great stress reliever for me and I end up with something to keep or give as a gift.

on Dec 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I enjoy sewing and find it very relaxing. I make table covers, pillows, table runners, placemats, chair cushions, doorpanels, some doll clothing and tissue box covers. I am noticing that prices for material and notions are slowly climbing. Most of what I make is for gifts but I do make a few things for myself. Happy sewing everyone!

on Mar 22, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to sew but sadly it's not like it used to be when my mother would sew herself clothes for school. She used to sew because she wanted more outfits but couldn't afford to buy any. I took up sewing because I thought it would save me some money on not having to buy the fancy clothes and I could customize and pick exactly how I wanted them to look. While I do love to sew, the value is just not worth it. I go to fabric stores and buy a few yards of fabric and zippers, buttons, etc, and it would end up costing me like $45! While that's not so bad, I could've just bought the item at a store and saved some money. I'm still sewing though. It's fun. I just make quick little skirts or basic color tops. I wish fabric were much more inexpensive, as well as the patterns. Oh well.
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