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Sewing - a Great Skill!
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on Aug 31, 2010 (Read 5803 times | Comments: 41)
I learned how to sew many years ago, when I was in high school and had a girlfriend who used to show off her beautiful outfits that she made for near pennies. Consumed with interest (and jealousy), I sort of hung around as she would sew, and she was patient and considerate enough to teach me the basics. (I should mention that she went on to become a great seamstress and couturier until her too early death a few years ago.) My Mom only had an ancient knee-treadle Singer, and my Dad (who had learned to do his own repairs during the Great Depression) is the one who actually showed me how to use it. I then went on to marry, have 2 kids, have a full-time job, dog, cat, etc. etc., but I always enjoyed my sewing. It is very crreative, relaxing, and fulfilling. And let's not forget that it is very thrifty. Even if all you use your machine for is to make repairs in clothing and household items, it will save you a fortune! Patterns are very easy today, so try it, ladies!

on Jan 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

The beginning days of sewing started in home economics in high school. My gosh am I dating myself. From there after wearing my class project-an apron with pockets-I learned even more from my mother. Only problem was that she wanted everything to be perfect. I have continued to sew all my adult life and now love to make things for my grandchildren. My next project is to make red heart pillows for Valentines. We do not live in the same town so I will enclose a note saying I am sending you my heart so give me a hug!!

on Jan 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been sewing for years.Learned how on an old pedal machine in my grandma's basement. Made Barbie clothes, then my clothes because I was too thin in middle school and junior sizes were too curvy, kids sizes too childlike. Moved on to my wedding dress, then home decor. Now am sewing for both of my children's homes. Dabbled in quilting--small projects only. Would love to try fabric art someday. Then there is the fabric stash. It is sooo hard not to purchase beautiful fabric, even when you have no idea what to do with it. Too many projects, too little time. Patterns can be expensive. I always look for pattern sale days and then buy. Or make my own pattern from old clothes, or just wing it, and create my own pattern.

on Feb 17, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really enjoy sewing and have gotten better at it, but I'm not an expert at all.

on Mar 04, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to sew...it's very calming....listening to the rhythm of the machine. I like to craft after my kids go to bed. I find it a good way to wind down after a crazy day. :)

on Apr 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to so but have little time. Also I find it difficult to find patterns and fabric these days. Now a days it is cheaper to buy a finished garment than to purchase all the things you need to make it. The only nice thing about sewing is the sense of gratification you get from doing something yourself that is a one-of-a-kind. I do make a lot of my curtains since those tend to be more expensive to purchase and I can create what I want for much less. I also make pillow covers to reuse the pillows I throw on my bed and couch.

on Apr 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Over the last couple of years, I have started doing machine embroidery. I love to do it and I love making all types of gifts for the people I love. It takes time though, and that is something that I lack.

on Apr 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

How funny I just saw this t opic.. 54 and am trying to learn how to sew .. I got a refurb sewing machine from overstock and am trying to practice.. I love it but wish there was someone who could teach me the finer skills >> I am on line trying to find classes now. thinking of purchasing a Serger.. nothing like going all the way..!! I have nothing to loose. Love knits..

on Apr 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Ive been sewing just a little over a year. My 13 year old daughter wanted a sewing machine( a brother Ls 2000) for her birthday. Well we all know how that goes. Kids these days you know lol. Well anyway I became obsessed with it. I really think I got it for me lol. I have taught myself how to sew by watching videos on youtube and searching the web when I had a question, got stuck or needed some ideas. I have made pillows, curtains, Pajama Bottoms, rompers, etc. I attempted to make a baby quilt. It looks good but you can certainly tell it has some flaws and an amateur made it. I love sewing. I agree with what someone said earlier that you can buy some things cheaper than you can make them. That's mostly true unless you find a really good deal on some fabric. Sewing can get expensive. The cost of the notions is what is so expensive. It's a shame that the economy is the way it is. Sewing can be addictive too. I've just recently upgraded my machine to a computerized one. I love it

on Apr 26, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love sewing (most of the time). My favorite is just making little toys for my boys, and there's nothing more fulfilling than watching my son cuddle with the bunny I made for his Easter basket. I hope to keep learning and become more confident and am sewing a dress for the first time this summer...we'll see how it goes :)

on Sep 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I so very much wish I could sew... my mother is a quilter but she likes to collect ideas more so than actually do the quilting! Hahaha... However, she is going to let me borrow one of her sewing machines so I can get started. I have boy/girl twins, just two years old, and we are seeing the need to cut back on our expenses and really try to save some money. I thought learning how to sew would really help us out! Plus, it would give me a creative outlet - something I can do while the kids are running circles around me. Does anyone have any suggestions for beginner how-to books on sewing? Or beginner websites for sewing? I want to start with some very basic projects until I can build some confidence!
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