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Sewing - a Great Skill!
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on Aug 31, 2010 (Read 5737 times | Comments: 41)
I learned how to sew many years ago, when I was in high school and had a girlfriend who used to show off her beautiful outfits that she made for near pennies. Consumed with interest (and jealousy), I sort of hung around as she would sew, and she was patient and considerate enough to teach me the basics. (I should mention that she went on to become a great seamstress and couturier until her too early death a few years ago.) My Mom only had an ancient knee-treadle Singer, and my Dad (who had learned to do his own repairs during the Great Depression) is the one who actually showed me how to use it. I then went on to marry, have 2 kids, have a full-time job, dog, cat, etc. etc., but I always enjoyed my sewing. It is very crreative, relaxing, and fulfilling. And let's not forget that it is very thrifty. Even if all you use your machine for is to make repairs in clothing and household items, it will save you a fortune! Patterns are very easy today, so try it, ladies!
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