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Sewing - a Great Skill!
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on Aug 31, 2010 (Read 5801 times | Comments: 41)
I learned how to sew many years ago, when I was in high school and had a girlfriend who used to show off her beautiful outfits that she made for near pennies. Consumed with interest (and jealousy), I sort of hung around as she would sew, and she was patient and considerate enough to teach me the basics. (I should mention that she went on to become a great seamstress and couturier until her too early death a few years ago.) My Mom only had an ancient knee-treadle Singer, and my Dad (who had learned to do his own repairs during the Great Depression) is the one who actually showed me how to use it. I then went on to marry, have 2 kids, have a full-time job, dog, cat, etc. etc., but I always enjoyed my sewing. It is very crreative, relaxing, and fulfilling. And let's not forget that it is very thrifty. Even if all you use your machine for is to make repairs in clothing and household items, it will save you a fortune! Patterns are very easy today, so try it, ladies!

on Nov 08, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also sew. I learned from my grandmother and mom. I have super long legs and have a terrible time finding pants that fit me right that are long enough, so I usually end up sewing them for myself. Mainly dress pants. Once you find a pattern that you like and adjust it to fit you, it's super easy to make a few different pairs in different colors.

on Nov 30, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to sew. I learned how in middle school. My mom used to sew all my clothes, for school. Its a way to express yourself.

on Dec 01, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wish I could sew lol. I can knit for sure though. Sewing would give me more gratification as far as having my sweater done in an hour or two as opposed to a month or two. I've sew *cough* so gotta learn lol

on Dec 03, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I so wish I could sew, and wish I'd had my grandmother teach me while her eyesight was still good enough. I have a few ideas for products to market on line, if only i could sew . . . and create a website to sell the product.

on Dec 08, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Just been doing little projects now for about a year or two. Now I am a grandma and am inspired to try a special baby quilt. I just need to skip the fear and dive in. wish me luck.

on Dec 10, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hey AnnaJane! Have you ever taken a look at the site Etsy.com? They specialize in giving people a place to sell their handmade items.

on Dec 30, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to sew! I am in fact amazed at how many women my age (mid to late 30's) cannot sew at all! Even to replace a button or fix a hem! I am teaching my daughters this "lost art" now. My Mom and Gran taught me and I think it is something every *person* (not just girl/woman!!) should know how to do. I've made curtains, etc for my house but my biggest project was a king-sized duvet cover to match our wallpaper. It is just lovely, and not only does it match perfectly but it cost a fraction of what the stores charge! My girls have already made their own Barbie clothing (attaching snaps) and their own pillowcases. I am teaching the oldest to embroider right now, and next will be cross-stitching. Quilting will be further down the road I think! I cannot knit, but I did try tatting. I love the look, but my hands get knotted up quickly from it. I think sewing is such a wonderful, relaxing hobby - and I even have something to show for it when I'm done!

on Jan 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I started with simple blankets and an old black singer (I hated that machine!) and I have worked my way up to sewing clothes, purses, tree skirts, and quilting. I use alot of sheets for backings - saves money and I can usually use 1 sheet for several projects.

on Jan 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've sewn all my life but more often than not, I can find things cheaper to purchase than to sew. I miss sewing and need to make a couple more warm quilts. There just doesn't seem to be enough time.

on Jan 25, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like to sew but I think the pattern companies need to really lower their prices. I try to only purchase them on sale due to lack of income from an illness.
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