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"Reality" TV
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on Jul 27, 2010 (Read 62603 times | Comments: 34)
Today's reality tv shows have become more scripted than some regular shows. Not only are they no longer "reality" shows but they also set bad examples for children and teens who regularly watch them. Now that the shows are no longer "real" it seems like their only purpose is to spread bad behavior and create 15 minutes of fame for anyone willing to give up their dignity. What is your opinion of the reality shows of today?

on Sep 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love BB that is my summer obsession....and BBAD this season is pretty much a Zzzzzzzz though.....but I have to admit I am a reality TV junky

on Oct 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do not care for most reality shows but I do watch the MTV Real World and Challenges for a laugh

on Nov 20, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree

on Feb 03, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think that some of the shows were actually reality in the first place. They edit so much of them and I think some started off being scripted. Shows like the Amazing Race, Top Chef, Survivor etc. I can deal with. I don't like the Housewives shows at all and lets not even talk about Jersey Shores and the Kardashians, hate them. They show what's wrong with people who have too much time on their hands.

on Mar 12, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I can definitely see both sides. I don't have any children, but i have friends that do. I have a friend who has 7 year old twin daughters. One of the girls wasn't eating because she didn't want to be fat. I think not only reality tv gives this image, but tv in general and society. My mom refused to buy my sister and I Barbies because of the image it would give us of how to look, and to this day i appreciate that from her. On the other hand being me as an adult and watching the shows; it's pure entertainment. I could care less if they're scripted or not. If i like the show i like it, and i'll continue to watch it. If i think it's dumb and pointless, but it makes me laugh, i'll still watch it! lol :)

on Mar 14, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

American Idol and America's Got Talent

on May 04, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like them. More than one of them I find to be absolutely awesome. There's some that I find unanswered in reference to the naughtiness, though

on Sep 19, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have never been able to watch more than 5 minutes of Kardashians, Jersey shore or Real House wives of anywhere. I feel like my IQ would drop if I did. I feel they promote bad behavior & promiscuity and a lack of personal responsibility . Maybe I'd be more welcoming if I were my younger self, but now I have children and more common sense lol.

on Feb 18, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

An ad was posted on Facebook for extras needed for a reality show shot locally....real life does not call for extras dressed in certain wardrobes. I wasn't surprised, but still disappointed. I must admit I'm still a sucker for quite a few reality shows even though I know the behind the scenes to so many. I still get sucked in by the previews.

on Feb 22, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree that some of the reality shows are over-the-top ridiculous. I use to watch Real Housewives... However I do not anymore. I should have a reality show titled The Real House Wife 4 Real and you best to believe that I'm not wearing $5,000 pairs of shoes or caring a $10,000 handbag. Oh and no I do not have a personal assistant, driver, maid or stylist. My personal assistant is my smart phone and Google Apps. My driver is Tom Tom and I while sporting a bad hair day. My maid is me and sometimes closed bedroom doors. And my stylist... did I say I sometimes have bad hair days. Yeah, pony tails are great. Yaaayyy!
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