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"Reality" TV
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on Jul 27, 2010 (Read 62881 times | Comments: 34)
Today's reality tv shows have become more scripted than some regular shows. Not only are they no longer "reality" shows but they also set bad examples for children and teens who regularly watch them. Now that the shows are no longer "real" it seems like their only purpose is to spread bad behavior and create 15 minutes of fame for anyone willing to give up their dignity. What is your opinion of the reality shows of today?

on Jul 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't like most reality shows, but I have to admit, I love Big Brother. I watch it every year and have actually considered applying for it (though I doubt I actually ever will). The pettiness and shallowness crack me up. It's my guilty pleasure!

on Jul 30, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with you, Ghostbunnyy - bad examples. And that brings me to sit-coms - my biggest pet peeve is watching a tv station (watching for weather alerts) and having to listen to man-bashing; kids being disrespectiful to parents; sex, sex, sex. Yes, I'm not young....however, age is relative and these types of shows make my skin crawl. And it is my experience that most people do NOT talk like that. Bad examples.

on Aug 03, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have to admit I love trashy reality TV. I even DVR shows I know I am gonna miss. However, I am SO annoyed by some like Jersey Shore!! I mean COME ON this is the real world, Snooki your hair is SICK that bif bump makes you look like a midget cindy loo who, the situation - ok REALLY?! I'm sure we can all agree that just walking on the street - teens today and even young 20 somethings, think real like is a reality TV show.... Hey girllll hey!

on Sep 27, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I hate Jersey Shore, Parents if you have teenagers BEWARE... Please dont let them watch it.. All these kids do is have sex, fight , and drink... They are walking STDs, they even sleep with each other... They hosestly need to find something useful to do with their time... I cant believe MTV would put something like this on the air... Remember when MTV only used to show music videos, what happened to those.. It is called MUSIC television, the shows on there have nothing to do with music...

on Sep 28, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like to watch Dr.Drew on celebrity sober house. It's an education. I didn't know that the brain changes after an emotional loss .It changes how we react with addictions. I think some of the behavor is show but most of the show is real.

on Sep 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I hate to admit it, Reality TV is my guilty pleasure. I watch most of the Bravo Shows, a few of the MTV shows and Big Brother and the like. I feel guilty sometimes when my kids are exposed to them, but have used them to initiate a dialogue on occassion. I won't let my kids see shows like Jersey Shore, but to be honest in that show at least it is clear how bad the kids are. My Tween daughter likes a few of the CW shows, like Make it or Break it (she was a gymnast etc...) and I feel like I already have to explain that it isn't expected for Teenagers to have sex, cheat and lie etc. Ironically enough, I don't like Survivor anymore (which started the phase for me) or any of the American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Bachelor variety. So clearly I don't mind my shows scripted. LOVE Dr. Drew, I can't help it he's my celebrity crush,but dislike all the Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, Love of money shows....

on Oct 01, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really like to watch The Amazing Race....but other than that, I think a lot of things on these "reality" shows aren't real at all and are very scripted....the networks want to get those high ratings!

on Jan 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills I am hooked and tonight last one! Guilty pleasure

on Jan 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also enjoy Reality TV, but not the MTV shows or the one's on E....I prefer Big Brother, Amazing Race and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills & OC (only those 2). Of course American Idol..is that considered Reality TV? Not sure on that one. I love Big Brother because it's NOT scripted. I really don't watch any 'sitcoms'....2 1/2 Men? PLEASE help us all....I prefer tv characters with some depth and layers.

on Jan 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I actually LOVE Reality TV and am hooked! There are some that are more scripted than real, and vise-versa, but my absolute favorite ones are those that offer help, like the MTV show, "If You Really Knew Me". I so wish those people came to my school 25 years ago! Others, like The Jersey Shore are a bit minless for me and sometimes that is needed! I especially like the cooking ones like Top Chef. But I have to admit that my favorites of all-time are ALL the Real Housewives Of...."
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