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Any hand quilters?
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on Jun 19, 2010 (Read 4782 times | Comments: 19)
I taught myself to make hand sewn quilts - I sit and watch old Law and Order episodes and sew away...

on Jun 20, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Writingmom, Could you send me tips and tricks to learning to sew? You can send the information here at shespeaks. Thanks so very much. I'd love to learn very much.

on Aug 10, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

i love to quilt. i've completed two for my granddaughters and i need to do 4 more. then start of my great-grand children. i also sew clothes. they say you only do one but i guess i've fooled everyone because i love to sew! it relaxes me so much!

on Aug 18, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do hand quilts. I do not like to use the sewing machine to sew quilts. It is too hard to control and match up your seams. I just finished the top for my husbands quilt about a week ago and am now working on one for my son. The pattern looks really cool! I just cut out triangles and sewed them together. The square came out looking like it had a diamond in the middle and when you sew two of them together, it looks like a pinwheel in the middle of those

on Aug 18, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

does anyone know of a good inexpensive online store to get material?

on Dec 03, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

My mother and grandmother made hand sewn quilts and my mom has just started to teach my. I am very excited about this process so I can pass it down to my two daughters and keep the tradition going. I love to look at some of my mom's quilts and hear her stories about what each fabric was used for. It is a nice life lesson from my mother and I have learned a lot about her past.

on Dec 30, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I combine hand and machine quilting. I prefer to piece by hand, and usually do the entire top by hand. But when it comes to assembling all the pieces, I prefer the machine. Usually by that time I'm eager to see the completed project, too! ctaylor71 - for cheap material, I honestly check the thrift stores/salvation army/etc. And I really cheat by using sheets for my backing; it's a trick an Amish woman I met taught me. It's usually much cheaper to purchase a simple flat sheet and use it! She also advised using old blankets (and the like) as my filler. It gives them a new life, and you don't have to worry about shifting as much. Think outside the box for fabrics - sheets, curtains - anything with colors or prints you find interesting. I personally love to combine textures on my quilts - satins, brocades, denim, wool - it makes everything so much fun!

on Jan 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am not too good with hand quitling, but I do machine quilt. I just finished two Family Tree quilts, while the pattern is free on the internet, the second one I took liberty with and have now designed several others that are similar in concept. The Irish Family Tree Quilt we made "hanging" shamrocks, and it just came out beautiful.

on Jan 04, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love quilts - from choosing colors and patterns, to piecing, sewing, and finally - hand quilting. There is something very calming and therapeutic for me in stitching quietly, watching a pattern unfold, and finally, seeing the finished product. mom-minty, I started using flat sheets on my first quilts too. But later found that some of the thread counts make it more difficult to stitch. My favorite quilts are baby quilts, and I love to use soft flannel on them. My family did not quilt - the women did embroidery. But a friend showed me how to get started, loaned me some books, and gave me a love for the craft.

on Jan 04, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

ctaylor, the best source I have found for quilting fabric is from friends who sew. They give me their scraps, some of which are very large, and I use them in my quilts. I don't know of an online store for fabric - I watch for sales at the local JoAnn Fabric store. good luck to you!

on May 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a new quilter. I absolutely love it. I hand-quilt. I've started two projects and haven't yet finished them. One is a baby quilt for a friend's son. The other is a larger quilt for my husband.
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