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on Mar 24, 2010 (Read 4888 times | Comments: 12)
Help! I'm addicted to chips and chocolate, junk food!! I can't stop eating this crud, or thinking about them! Junk food is taking over my life and I need some advice. Does anyone know any tricks or have any advice to get rid of food cravings? Please help!!

on Feb 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love chocolate too. I would try to be realistic about it, and just try to take baby steps. I agree with flower54 - mix a little chocolate with some nuts and/or dried fruit - it will fill you up faster and still fulfill that chocolate craving. I will sometimes eat some semi-sweet chocolate chips along with pretzels - even though that's not the greatest, it's better than eating a candy bar or any other packaged chocolate item. Think about what it is about the junk food you're eating that you enjoy the most - is it the crunchiness? If that's it, you could try snacking on crisp red grapes, or celery with peanut butter. Try to find other distractions to turn to instead of junk food. Good luck!

on Nov 17, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would first suggest not buying junk food. And in place of it, buy different kinds of fruits, which have natural sugar in it if sugar is something you crave. I love my sweets, but I have learned to control my intake and also to have willpower to not eat it. It takes time, and it isn't easy to do, but you will get past the cravings. Drink as much water as possible too, that will help fill you up. Also, you could buy youself a snack once a week. For example, I buy a large hershey candy bar. I treat myself to a small piece every day. I do my best to make it last a week, but if I can't, I can't; HOWEVER, I will not buy another one until the week is over. Hope this helps!
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