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Trying to loose some belly fat.
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on Dec 03, 2009 (Read 27212 times | Comments: 31)
Need some tips on loosing the belly fat, soon im going to celebrate 4yrs of marriage and want to wear a nice outfit but my belly fat doesnt make it look nice HELP i need ur advice.

on Feb 05, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't want to go against the membership rules, but there are products that can be recommended. Unfortunately, I don't know how much time you have to lose weight. Your body genetically is predisposed to where it deposits fat; however if you burn fat...eventually it will come off. I would suggest eating lean meals, increasing cardio, and buying a shaper or a girdle in the mean time.

on Feb 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Diet is 80% when it comes to weight lose. I highly recomend checking out Oxygen magazine for women, as well as the Eat clean diet by tosca reno. With the correct diet alone you can get rid of the fat. What do you eat on a normal day/Workout day? Some people tend to eat to little when switching to the healthier food and wind up slowing metabolism down .

on Feb 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

there are foods that you can eat to lessen the cortisol that makes belly fat! I'm not sure which foods do what but the list of foods that reduce belly fat are; Oatmeal, avacados, green tea, berries, dark chocolate and yogurt.

on Apr 10, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Zumba fitness burns mad calories. Love it

on Oct 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

hula hooping is great exercise to get rid of belly fat, it works your core muscles

on Oct 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had a problem with belly fat . my friend introduced me to a program called "ITWORKS" ....it does work !!! so far i have lost five inches from my belly and i have only done it a week .i am hoping for a couple of more inches .

on Jan 09, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I attended a great free class at Whole Foods Market back in the fall and plan to do it again this month. They gave some great meal ideas and recommended cutting (completely or mostly) oils/fats. I still cook with olive oil but have made some changes in our salad dressings (I use salsa now some times, it tastes great!). The biggest difference is that I have added 3 pieces/servings of fruit per day to my diet. I eat one with breakfast, one for a mid-morning snack, and one with lunch. This adds great fiber, plus helps you feel full and satisfied. For dinner I don't generally eat fruit but try to include two veggies.

on Jan 10, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recommend Hip Hop Abs from www.welcome2fitclub.com

on Jan 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Losing weight in your belly is mostly diet. Someone else said it above, you can do crunches until the cows come home but you have to lose the fat over it. If the date is coming up shortly I definitely recommend spanx, but if not, switch to something like South Beach, which is low carb, I also would suggest trying to use Loseit.com (I sound like a broken record) but it's amazing how little snacks here in there add up to major calories over the course of a day which you may not even realize. Even almonds, an ounce of almonds is what the serving you should eat as a snack, but you can easily eat more than that and really pack on the calories. GOOD LUCK! and get your friends to help, I find having that support is key. You can have friends on programs such as loseit.com and myfitnesspal.com

on Jan 17, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Pilates and 30 minutes of cardio a day, like running, swiming, or even playing ball with my little girl helped me alot in losing belly fat.
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