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I am sick every other week....saying my immune system is bad is probably the biggest understatement of the century...what can i do to make it stronger???
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on Sep 12, 2009 (Read 12568 times | Comments: 15)
I was always the kid getting sick when i was younger but i have noticed over the years it has gotten substantially worse. Every time i turn around i have a virus, strep, the flu even. I have had the strep 6 times now and the flu 5 times since i was 15, and Im 19 years old. in between the strep or the flu i get sick with other things like colds stomach issues etc... this is rediculous...its an every year occurance. i know that i will have strep and the flu at least once thru out the year. i even get the flu when i have gotten the flu shot. i basically get the flu shot not to stop myself from getting the flu but to make it not as bad on me...so that maybe my tempature wont go above 103 degrees this time. it sounds dramatic i know but im so desperate...i dont know what to do anymore...people actually think im faking everything until the doc confirms it now. Everyone thinks it a joke since it happens so often. Well i dont think its a joke. it affects my life.

on Nov 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use to get sick more often and a boyfriend's mom got me taking a good quality vitamin (one without preservatives or artificial colors seem to be key for not upsetting my stomach). I went a couple years without a cold or flu. It was great. I don't get sick as often as other people and when I do, I get a lighter version and get over it more quickly. Taking zinc (25mg) when I do get sick also makes a big difference. They sell cough drops now with zinc in them but it's a lot cheaper to just take 1/2 a tablet. This may or may not help you but it's inexpensive to try and I know when I was younger, my diet was pretty bad. The vitamins will probably give you a bit of a boost.

on Nov 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had Strep 7 times in 3 months.long story short I had mono, infested in my tonsils which led into other things but i've also always had sinus issues and allergies all my life. I had been tested and just put on the usual allergy meds and told to use a nasal irragaition pot by my ENT.I used this system for 4 years until I moved to DC and discovered the past presidents Immuniologist/ allergist and had blood work done.He told me that systems such as the Neti pot were actually making my situation worse. There are two tyes of bacteria in your nose Good/bad. When you flush out your system you are flushing away everything even the good bacteria. He gave me a combo of Nasonex and Astepro which works like a charm. The blood work showed that I had a weak immune system and he gave me the pneumoncoccal vaccine (pneumonia), which is typically only given to elderly adults. I have only gotten sick once in the pst year and it was a mild sinus infection. get blood work done then find a great ENT

on Nov 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Dr Oz and TheDoctors both have good suggestions on their sites. Probiotics also are recommended by most drs after taking antibiotics. Frequent hand washing and keeping hands away from the ears, nose, eyes, the face in general. Cut way back on sugar. Keep teeth well brushed and flossed.

on Nov 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

First things first, you are over doing it with the vaccines....I have been through almost 4 years of med school and I am back in school again for my bachlors in Nursing...so this information comes from a well source. NOTE: I am NOT a doctor and my advise is NOT ment to be taken to treat or diagnos an illness. When we talk about immunity the way people naturally develope immunity occurs in the first 5 years of life, many people make the mistake to shelter their children from virusus and bacteria by keeping them in doors at these ages or over vaccinating them as small children. The immune system of a baby thru age 5 need to physically come in contact with virus and bacteria, now I am not talking about infecting children, they just need that natural exposure, they need to be interacting out doors...if this does not occur then the bodies immune system quickly adapts. Basically your body says he we don't have to work as hard fighting off bacteria and germs cause this body doesn't get...

on Nov 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

exposed to very many. You ever heard of that old term "if you don't use it...you lose it" That is most certainly the case when it comes to your immune system, so you say your immune system is weak, well staying in doors and constantly getting immunized against things, and OVER cleanliness will actually cause your immune system to weaken more. Try a healthy approach before running off to your doctor or getting on some kind of treatment...I would recommend getting out (even if your sick, just tough it out) get some excercise, take in large amounts of fruit especially blueberries, bananas, and nuts, start doing this everyday, mind you it will probly take 3 months or more to really start noticing a change as your immunity is not liek a switch that can be turned on and off. Try this out you'll be suprised at how much of a change for the better that you'll start to see. NOW if things get worse and I mean alot worse or if you don't feel like something is right then stop IMMEDIATLY and see DR.
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