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Horrible Acne!
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on May 29, 2009 (Read 556113 times | Comments: 194)
My daughter is twelve years old, almost thirteen and she has moderate acne on her t-zone. We are looking for a regimen that actually works. We have tried some Neutrogena products but it made her face really dry and flaky. We also tried Clean & Clear which we used for three months and did not help at all. Any suggestions? I am soon going to try Noxzema products but I need reviews first. Thanks!

on Aug 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My teenager had the same problem...we tried everything, but it was ultimately Proactiv she had the best results with. I even bit the bullet and got her the Jan Marini line for teenagers with acne. Within a couple days of using the Proactive, she looked remarkably better.

on Aug 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Dawn ~ Go to WalMart, Target, etc.. and buy AcneFree. They offer a system for sensitive skin. My oldest daughter uses this. It's cheaper than Proactive and I feel it works much better.

on Aug 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

There is a 5 step plan to great skin- cleanse, tone, moisturize, exfoliate, treat+ WATER WATER WATER WATER. Cleansing is a given. Toning (astringents) get rid of the stuff even your cleanser won't get. The kind of acne depends on if a moisturizer should be used (oily skin can skip it). Exfoliating is VERY important (especially for dry, flaky skin). You don't want dead skin on your face & you can find them for daily use. When all is done then treat the acne with an acne treatment. This process only takes 5 minutes in the morning & 5 at night once you're used to doing it. I am constantly switching products, depending on what's on sale and coupons, I've noticed that as long as I am doing this process the products don't have to be expensive.

on Aug 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I broke out horribly at that age, I empathize. I tried many different things, including homeopathic ones like lemon juice, garlic slices, even toothpaste--that burned horribly. The only thing that worked for me was slathering my face with neutrogena clear pore (discontinued) which has salicylic acid. I used so much my pillows used to be stained the next morning! But, it did clear up my face. Currently, I have discontinued using Bare Escentuals because of ingredients they use: bismuth oxychloride and mica and am looking at various mineral makeup foundations with a purer ingredient list.

on Aug 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Proactiv will probably work but here is a tip to save money. Don't waste your money on the cleanser and toner. Just buy a cheap cleanser that works and only use the repairing lotion. If that doesn't work I would recommend a derm.

on Aug 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Proactiv did not work for me. I called them and they gave me their extra-strength product to try. It worked great. Also, once its was cleared up, I only buy the face wash. I no longer had a need for the other two steps. They also offer makup wich they sent me for free! Love it!

on Aug 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Aveda has a great system called Outer Peace. The system cost me about $120. It lasted about 9 months, so that's less than $15/month. It's the only thing I've found that really worked and it didn't dry out my skin in the process!

on Aug 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have suffered with acne most of my life (i am now 28). I tried everything under the sun that you could by over the counter, they would work for a little while but never long term...what worked the best for me is going to the dermotologist and letting them prescribe what was best and safest for my dry/oily/acne skin problems.

on Aug 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

When I have breakouts, I like to exfoliate with St. Ive's or a bowl sugar and water mixture, put my head over a bowel of steaming hot water and allow my pores to open up and then I apply either a mask (homemade with oatmeal or whatever recipes you can find or store-purchased) or astringent (clean and clear deep cleaning astringent or sea breeze) and lastly, dab my blemishes with some clearasil creme (it works really well for me). I've tried noxema and another one I can't remember the name or but was sold in a black container and they dried out my skin and bleached my eyebrows and washclothes! haha! My sister has pretty bad acne and she tried proactiv and it did not work for her, but I've heard good things about the product from others.

on Aug 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Go to the Clinque counter and get the 3-step acne system! it works so good! and u dont have to order it. everyone should use this stuff its better then proactive wayyyyy better
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