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Horrible Acne!
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on May 29, 2009 (Read 555627 times | Comments: 194)
My daughter is twelve years old, almost thirteen and she has moderate acne on her t-zone. We are looking for a regimen that actually works. We have tried some Neutrogena products but it made her face really dry and flaky. We also tried Clean & Clear which we used for three months and did not help at all. Any suggestions? I am soon going to try Noxzema products but I need reviews first. Thanks!

on Jul 15, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recommend Proactiv Too! I have 4 daughters. Two of them needed it. I used it, as well as my sister in law. The only down side my SIL found was that after YEARS of using (like 7or 8) it lost its effectiveness. It still worked, just not as well. She went to a prescription after that. If you can go that route, the RX, it might be cheaper. Good luck!

on Jul 15, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Oh my god I had the same problem when I was her age! Its soo horrible! The only thing I can tell you is forget all the products that say itll do this that or the other thing for her. I heard about using baking soda on the face. I used glycerin soap on my face from the dollar store and that helped cut the oil a lot along with a good apricot scrub and a wash cloth in the shower. Id mix up enough baking soda and water to make a frosting consistency and apply to clean dry skin and let dry completely before bed. Would stop my problem in its tracks. Might work for her too! Good luck!

on Aug 03, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Proactive definitely works. I had horrible acne in high school and tried almost every product out there... only proactive cleared my red-faced acne AND prevented new ones from showing up. Although it is expensive, like a post here said, it does work. Though if you do not follow all three steps of the treatment, it might make your daughter's face a little dry. Also, tell her to try to limit how much greasy foods she eats. Remember, what you put in, is what you get out.

on Aug 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

A few other natural things to try (the responder above tried tea tree and I have heard good things about it also) would be coconut oil (although an oil, it does not clog pores) and sea salts, you could soak a washcloth in a solution of sea salts and water and wash face a few time a week - it could just be her age :( (hormones) maybe also check her diet for anything that she might be sensitive towards.
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