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Horrible Acne!
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on May 29, 2009 (Read 555938 times | Comments: 194)
My daughter is twelve years old, almost thirteen and she has moderate acne on her t-zone. We are looking for a regimen that actually works. We have tried some Neutrogena products but it made her face really dry and flaky. We also tried Clean & Clear which we used for three months and did not help at all. Any suggestions? I am soon going to try Noxzema products but I need reviews first. Thanks!

on Jun 12, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use the Equate brand blackhead clrearing scrub, which also prevents and heals pimples. If that does not work for your daughter, try Neutrogena skinid products. They are available at Neutrogena.com. It picks out a line of three products made personally for your skin. It costs 39 dollars and you can get in online only.

on Jun 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

The derm is the best thing to do because it's a real medical condition. I use Tazorac cream and my zits have disappeared. Also benzoyl peroxide wash with a gentle lotion and then tazorac at night work miracles. I also use doxycycline to control underground zits and oiliness. People are always surprised when they find out I used to have bad acne. The best regimine I can recommend without a derm are La Roche-Posay and Elta spf 45 daily sunscreen. She must be gentle with her skin-teach her to treat it like silk-and insist she doesn't dig at her acne! Yeah sometimes I know we must pick those beasts but don't dig and scratch. If it doesn't come out easily leave it alone. And sunscreen is soooo important because her skin will discolor and her scars will show a lot if she doesn't. Acne is also sensitive to the sun. The cheapest thing I can think of is Cetaphil because it's the closest to the skins Ph and that's the best cheap stuff out there. Noxema is too harsh on delicate face skin.

on Jun 17, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

if proactive doesnt work for her i'd take her to a derm. because that stuff is amazing! and it works very quickly.

on Jun 22, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Proactive is a good product. It is pretty strong though - so if your daughter has sensitive skin, you might want to call their customer service to request their line for sensitive skin (which was available at the time I used their product about 3 yrs ago - so I'm not sure if it is still out their. good to ask though). It removed tough acne I had store brands couldn'tt get rid of. since then however, I am using other stuff (Dove skincare line) along with drinking water, and it has been helpful.

on Jun 27, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Juice Beauty makes a great product. Very gentle on the skin, which I like. I am in my mid 30's and still having breakouts. Nothing in the stores would help. Juice Beauty comes in a sample pack that lasts for about two months on Sephora.com. It's about $30.00, but I saw results (all acne GONE, soft clear skin) in a week, especially with the deep cystic acne (the ones that REALLY hurt). Proactive was very harsh, and so were many of the medications that my physician prescribed. If you are open, her doctor could put her on a birth control such as Yaz, which was formulated to help people with moderate to severe acne as well as migraines. Her acne could be hormonally related and that is why products don't seem to work. Have you tried Biore? Noxema, as most items on the aisle at the drug store or Wal-mart, actually strip away too much oil, which causes more to be made, which causes more zits. Differin (a prescribed acne drug) can really dry a face out too. Good luck!!

on Jul 02, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I suffer from cystic acne which is awful! All of those over the counter face washes, Clean and Clear, Noxema, etc aren't very good for your skin. My dermatologist has me wash my face every day with, get this, Lever 2000 and Betadine. It works great. I also had to go on antibiotics for a short time and used Differin. It works miracles.

on Jul 02, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by mmcdo22 » 
I never had acne in high school but as soon as I graduated my face broke out horribly! It must have been the stress of college :) anyway, Differin cream was the only thing worked for me and I felt like I tried everything! It cleaned up my acne completely and worked pretty fast too..... but made my face a little dry. So make sue you have a good moisturizer too!

can you please tell me , is Differin otc or you get this from a dermatologist.? thx. Cristina

on Jul 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Proactiv has a good system, since It contains the cleanser, toner, and gentle moisturizers to help with the dry skin that occurs afterwards. Having experienced the acne stage pretty moderately, I tested a few products. Id say try finding a cheaper system similar to Proactiv. Even Avon and Mary Kay sale products like that now. Try looking at CVS or Walgreens. They may not have a complete set like that, but look for a general acne wash; and if they might have it, a gentle moisturizer/lotion specifically designed for the face to help with the dryness. Another thing, since you say she is twelve, make sure she is washing her face everyday! I know how it is to be that age and have something like that be a drag :P

on Jul 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use ProActive. My husband saw the commercial several years ago and I tried it. It's the only product that's worked for me over the years.

on Jul 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Make sure you look at the active ingredient in the products. For most OTC you'll either find benzoyl peroxide (which is in Proactive and also Acne Free) OR you will find salicylic acid (Neutrogena products). Noxzema is totally different and was always too greasy for me. So when you try something new look at that so you try something different . Benzoyl peroxide products worked for me when I was younger, but it also dries out your skin so you need to moisturize. The best thing ever for my skin was the pill. (I know 12 is too young!)
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