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Horrible Acne!
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on May 29, 2009 (Read 555571 times | Comments: 194)
My daughter is twelve years old, almost thirteen and she has moderate acne on her t-zone. We are looking for a regimen that actually works. We have tried some Neutrogena products but it made her face really dry and flaky. We also tried Clean & Clear which we used for three months and did not help at all. Any suggestions? I am soon going to try Noxzema products but I need reviews first. Thanks!

on Apr 27, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

As as one who has suffered with acne all my life even to my adult I understand the pains one goes through with self image and also scarring and self esteem.. I would highly recommend using a more internal approach to acne. As I have found there is no cure all but having healthy habits internally and then working on the exterior. First an obvious one is encourage your daughter that eating healthy avoid processed foods, junk and tons of sugar . Acne stems from hormonal and bacterial imbalances . You need to boost your gut flora and oral health have a great to deal with it. I would check with her doctor with taking supplements but this is what I found helps me.One taking probiotics, Two consistent picking and stressing is a no no. Try oil cleansing methods to combat dry skin. and Use EVO (extra virgin olive ) check sites that give you extensive methods on how to do it.Along with that I found a dilution of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) works great.

on Apr 27, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try Acne Free "Sensitive" skin formula. I stumbled across this product accidentally for "adult acne". Get her a buff puff and put a dime size of cleaner on the puff and scrub away, wipe off with a face cloth, put a quarter size of toner on a cotton square and wipe all over the face then put a dime size of moisturizer in palm of hand and put on face. It does not dry the skin and it cost around $20 for the kit and last a couple of months depending on how often it's used. Hope this helps.

on Apr 28, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use Cetaphil cleanser, and Cetaphil Cream! Very clean refreshed feeling, and not too harsh on your face! It cleanses and moisturizes simply! It has helped my acne a lot and I feel better once I have washed my face in the morning. Not too expensive and still gets the job done! The cream works better than lotion, it won't lock heat in and get oily!

on May 04, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried having her use CeraVe foaming face cleanser, then an alcohol free witch hazel as a toner, followed by a lightweight moisturizer. This works well for me and a lot of times we think bc our skin is oily we shouldn't moisturize. But this is very important!! Also try having her drink unrefined apple cider vinegar (with the mother) 1tsp 3x a day!! This can help from the inside!! She can also use this same vinegar 1:2 with water as a toner!!

on May 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Go to a dermatologist. Don't wait. Don't waste time on home remedies that might not work. She may have deep scars for the rest of her life if it is systic acne and it is not treated. My mom didn't take me to a dermatologist - I wish she had! Try retin-A and micro dermabrasion. Some acne pills make people depressed - avoid those. Also, this might not be what you want to do, but birth control clears up acne pretty well, too!

on May 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I tried almost every acne product on the market - Proactiv, Clearasil, clean&clear, you name it! Finally I tried Epiduo and it did the trick without drying out my skin.

on May 31, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Proactiv is good but the best way to avoid acne is drink lemonade with honey every morning. We all know that acne happens because of toxins. So to get rid of toxins everyday drink warm lemonade with 2 teaspoons of honey every morning right after brushing. This will flush out your toxins from the previous day. Try organic honey if it is available for better results. My mother forced me to drink this everyday during my teenage years. It really works.

on Jun 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

This works wonders: A 10% glycolic acid product at night and 10% benzoyl cream before moisturizer and spf protection in the morning. I like Peter Thomas Roth for the glycolic gel. Also, try to get her teen facials every month or two to clear the skin of impurities! Groupon is a great place to start!

on Jun 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

It may help to get her a facial from someone who knows a lot about acne and she can help suggest products for you while she is getting her facial! I did that and it helped my acne so much! The more natural the products the better,

on Jun 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am so glad I can help with this. My parents live near the Amish and the girls have such beautiful healthy looking skin. I asked one what she used to keep hers so clear because I was having trouble with mine. She suggested RAW UNFILTERED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. I know it sounds crazy but honestly, it works! I would say it took about two weeks before I started visibly noticing a difference. I would try doing it at night time so she could wash it in the morning. I will warn you, your house may reek for a while but it's so worth it. Also: because it's acidic, it will burn a little & may be a little red in areas but that's because it's working and it will fade in minutes. Make sure you don't get in your eyes. Little trick I use, a magazine or a little hand held paper fan to fan your face after you apply because it will sting a bit from drying it out . I would still continue to use a facial moisturizer but not in the first two weeks. Give the skin a chance to become clear from the vinegar.
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