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Ok gals I am in need of help from anyone who can help figure this out! please!
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on Feb 19, 2009 (Read 15691 times | Comments: 43)
hi, I have been everywhere and seen a lot of doctor's and no one can seem to help they just say it's all in my head as i continue to get worse and worse. Sometimes things are so bad i feel like i am going to pass out,my b/p goes higher and heart beats so fast i think i am going to die. The pains are so severe they knock me down and now my legs are starting too they feel like they are bruised or sunburn but they are not and my heart beats in my throat not my chest. This all started when i was 33 years old and found out i was pregnant for my last child but i am now 42 and it is worse not better they say anxiety/panic attacks but the meds did nothing except make me gain 70 pounds or more. I am lost and at my ends wits no one can help me. My symptoms included: low energy, poor stamina, sore throat, unexplained menstrual irregularity, upset stomach, abdominal pain, chest pain, rib soreness, shortness of breath, cough, heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart murmur, joint pain, joint swell

on Nov 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

continued from last2replies.i get sinus/allergy problems almost all the time.like nasal congestion,dry or fluid filled eyes,am more susceptible to pneumonia in coldest months b/c of sinus problems.i have had asthma but only get when real cold out or real hot.i have flulike symptoms a lot with fibromyalgia.chills,feel really hot like feverlike,when have pain/tension in my neck/shoulders.i use icepacks to numb and help hot feeling subside.do you get sensitive to touch?i mean will your body feel stabbing,burning sensation even if someone barely touches you,occassionally?when my flares happen i get real touchy no matter what i do.certain activities bother me more like at christmas,i try to put less lights and no tree up b/c using my arms a lot will aggravate my pain flares/symptoms.foods can trigger symptoms.i try2keep journal of what i eat but not good at recording info.i do know dairy and citrus or citric acid can irritate symptoms.peas and various other veggies can irritate.keep eye on

on Nov 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

MSFRIENDLY-you said"Then, one Dr. did a CT scan and found a huge mass in my abdomen and several adhesions blocking part of my intestines. I required surgery immediately and poof...not only were my stomach problems gone but also my dizziness, heart racing, pain and burning throughout my entire body! Good luck...you will be in my prayers. Follow your gut and if your current Dr. isn't doing enough to help, find one who will truly do alot of listening and testing!" Ok,were you able to have kids after this surgery?Before the surgery was it hard for you to lose weight,even after you'd exercise?Was it hard for you to even get enough energy to exercise?What is a CT scan and what finally made doc wanna do the CT scan?What kind of Doc did the CT scan?

on Nov 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

OK I am an RN...but this my personal advise. I see everyone in this chat is on the right page thinking hormone...but I can positivly tell you its NOT thyroid. Your probly not going to like what I have to say...but just listen, you are 42 years old, the only other time in your life you experienced this was during or around pregnancy, the only thing that explains all your symptoms is Menopause, also it is very common for women to experiecne menopausal fellings during pregnancy, all menopause is is a decress in one specific hormone which elevates others, the symptoms are severe! It is also Extremely common that your doctor would not pick up on this fact...go check out any menopausal groups they will all tell you the same thing that their doctors NEVER once even mentioned it, but you can go to your doctor and ask them to rule out menopause, they can do a simple blood test but I am afraid you will find that that is what you are starting to go through. Check out menopause support groups!

on Nov 10, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 33 & have been in perimenopause for at least 6 years based on my hormone levels & symptoms. Tibbyshep is ABSOLUTELY correct that perimenopause/menopause can cause all the symptoms you listed. The wild thing in my case was that I was under the care of a Reproductive Endocrinologist (a doctor who specializes in hormones & fertility) when I started having problems because we were trying to have a baby, and due to other issues, had to have medical help. I repeatedly told the doctor about symptoms I was having & he pretty much blew me off, mostly because he felt I was too young to be in perimenopause. (Had he bothered to check my information, he'd have realized that I have MULTIPLE reasons for starting it early, including starting my periods at a very young age, my mother going through it early, being epileptic-epileptics tend to go through it approx 5 years earlier.) I went to my regular OB/GYN & told her everything that was going on and she said that while she was pretty sure I was

on Nov 10, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

(cont'd) too young to be in perimenopause, she was going to check my hormone levels. And not just with the Day 3 FSH, which can give an inaccurate idea of where you are...she checked my Day 3 FSH, then again on Day 10, and also checked several other things like prolactin, estradiol, etc. My levels indicated that I was not fully menopausal (duh-I was still having periods!) however, they were definitely not where they should have been for a woman in her late 20's. I'm further along now, my levels have changed again & I can actually feel my mental/emotional/physical status change drastically around ovulation & just before my period. I really wish I could just have a complete hysterectomy & get it all over with!

on Dec 12, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am an RN and after reading your syptoms have a few suggestions. Perhaps you have sleep apnea, which causes alot of problems during the day related to lack of sleep and oxygen at night. If you snore, and are overweight, this could be a possibility. I think all your symptoms can't be from one single thing, it is too much! Make sure you see a cardiologist for your heart related problems! That is serious and should not be ignored, maybe get a stress test. I would recommend getting on an exercise routine and try to get to your ideal body weight if you can, extra pounds can cause lots of problems! Try to reduce stress in your life as that can trigger health problems. Also, get your blood sugar checked, you may have diabetes which can cause lots of problems including vision problems, numbness etc. Definitely get a physical with bloodwork and see if anything shows up! good luck!

on Dec 22, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would try getting in with a Rhemtologist.. I have some of the things you talk about and I have Sjogrens Syndrome (in the same family as Lupus) and I have Fibromyalgia... Try that and let them run some test.. Good luck. It took 14 years to get a diagnosis .

on Dec 22, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have fibromyalgia and you symtoms are striking close. You need to see a Rheumotogist or Pain Specialist. Good Luck!!!

on Oct 07, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 38 yrs old and I have a hypothyroid that has caused my skin to break out, feel dry and have an extremely dull appearance. I've tried everything under the sun for over a year hoping to find a fix. I have been getting some relief with some natural products. The one that worked the best was the Citrus Clear Grapefruit Spot Treatment - I tried it for one week, and my acne is almost gone. I have a glow again and my face looks fresh! If you have hypothyroid like me with acne, definitely look at the Citrus Clear products - all natural, and they work for acne.

on Oct 10, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have they checked your thyroid? Sounds like TSH, I now see everyones told you thyroid. Also extreme low potassium can cause seizure symptoms that cone and go, wich is crazy to me, but it happened to my dad.
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