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Ok gals I am in need of help from anyone who can help figure this out! please!
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on Feb 19, 2009 (Read 15420 times | Comments: 43)
hi, I have been everywhere and seen a lot of doctor's and no one can seem to help they just say it's all in my head as i continue to get worse and worse. Sometimes things are so bad i feel like i am going to pass out,my b/p goes higher and heart beats so fast i think i am going to die. The pains are so severe they knock me down and now my legs are starting too they feel like they are bruised or sunburn but they are not and my heart beats in my throat not my chest. This all started when i was 33 years old and found out i was pregnant for my last child but i am now 42 and it is worse not better they say anxiety/panic attacks but the meds did nothing except make me gain 70 pounds or more. I am lost and at my ends wits no one can help me. My symptoms included: low energy, poor stamina, sore throat, unexplained menstrual irregularity, upset stomach, abdominal pain, chest pain, rib soreness, shortness of breath, cough, heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart murmur, joint pain, joint swell

on Mar 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

You've described something that sounds like what a friend of mine had. She was diagnosed w/ Graves disease. It is a hormonal condition. You should be checked for that as well as have your thyroid checked. My friend and I are in our late 30's early 40's and many of our friends are experiencing hormonal imbalances after having their children. Worth a check.

on Mar 25, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Find a Dr. that does more than one level of thyroid testing....TSH, Free T4 and T3. Also have your hormone levels checked...not just estrogen...but progesterone too. I had some weird symptoms a few years back and felt like I was truly going crazy because my symptoms "didn't add up" according to several Drs. Then, one Dr. did a CT scan and found a huge mass in my abdomen and several adhesions blocking part of my intestines. I required surgery immediately and poof...not only were my stomach problems gone but also my dizziness, heart racing, pain and burning throughout my entire body! Good luck...you will be in my prayers. Follow your gut and if your current Dr. isn't doing enough to help, find one who will truly do alot of listening and testing!

on Mar 26, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

It does definitely sound like a thyroid issue. Especially if it started after you found out you were pregnant. Some of the problems do sound like chronic anxiety (something I know a LOT about). I'm pregnant now and have had 9 hours of sleep in the last 3 days thanks to my anxiety which makes my bp shoot up and my heart race, makes me sweaty and faint. It's a gem. They have medications now that shouldn't make you gain weight for anxiety. I have no clue what they would have put you on that would make you gain weight like that, but shame on those doctors! DEFINITELY get your thyroid checked out. But I would also look into getting something for anxiety, too, even if it's a short term solution til you get your other stuff sorted out. I can only imagine you're exhausted and sick and tired of all this! Good luck! I want to take a 4 hour nap every day but I don't have your worries. And even though I don't know you, I'm proud of you for handling this with kids and life on top. Wow.

on Mar 26, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would not even start to speculate on what is wrong but something is very wrong and you need to persevere until you find the right doctor who will do whatever tests are necessary to determine just what is wrong and how to treat it. Feel free to print out any and all suggestions when you see the doctor. Write down everything you want checked out in a list and make a copy for the doctor. I never go to the doctor without a list of questions and I never leave until my questions are answered. They need to run a complete set of tests on you including blood work, xrays and whatever is needed to find out what is wrong and start to fix it. I would be on my doctor lies white on rice and if that didn't work I'd find another doctor. I strongly believe that in this day and age, as women ,we need to be proactive and strong to get the right medical care.

on Mar 26, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree strongly with the acupuncturist. I had chronic migraines for over 20 years and saw an acupuncturist, had 3 sessions and was totally free of migraines for over 8 months. I get them now - but not nearly as severe. I have also cut out almost all RX meds - I have to take cholesterol meds and a Singular, but I have added suppliments & vitamins to my routine and I feel better than I have in years. I was on all sorts of maintainance meds - distorting my mind, making me fat and making me dependant. I stopped all the meds - detoxed myself and saw the acupuncturist. Some RX meds are needed, but a bunch of them seem to be toxic.

on Mar 31, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you continue to get no answers from the doctors and no help from medical treatment you may actually want to go see a therapist. I know it sounds completely unrelated but quite often if you are under constant or high levels of stress/anxiety it can come out in physical symptoms. In these types of cases because the stress/anxiety is the root cause, just treating the symptom itself doesn't help because at the end of the day the stressors are still there and continue to cause more problems. Also, in these types of cases medical doctors often aren't able to find any physical reasons for the pain you're experiencing. I know you mentioned taking meds. for anxiety but simply taking meds with no actually therapy is rarely, if ever effective. It could temporary make the symptoms better but never long term. If you combine therapy along with meds. there is a much much greater chance of success

on Apr 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Tina.. I think we are twins. A few differences... my problems started at 29,a few less symptoms & no kids. I'll be 45 in May and still no real answers. It's only been in the past year & a half that some of the Dr. have started doing more tests... which is a pain in it's self since now I don't have insurance that will cover all the costs, so I can't afford all the tests they want to do. Keep hope ... only recently have the Dr. quit telling people with fibromylasia that it wasn't "just in their heads" I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you. I do know where you are at though. I know it soo hard. Sometimes all you can do is cry... then they just give you a med for that right... If you haven't yet try getting tested for fibromylasia, that's the next one I'm suppose to get..from what I'm told it causes alot of those symtoms... new reaserch is showing its a problem with the nerve responses, not muscle tissue etc.... Good luck & hang in there..somebody has got to find the answer

on Apr 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hope your getting some relief. If you haven't seen a woman doctor, do it now. Thyroid, vitamins and early perimenopause all sound possible to me. Best of luck.

on Apr 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Don't take "NO" for an answer. You know your body better than anyone, if you know that something is wrong with you than you should insists on testing until they can figure out what is wrong. Thyroid and Fibromyalgia are my guess but I am not a doctor. You may want to try a younger doctor, female perhaps or even an herbalist. They are more "open" to other possabilities of what could be wrong with you and they may offer better suggestions in calming or healing your symptoms. Good Luck!!

on Apr 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm in for saying get your thyroid checked. Low thyroid can cause anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, weird periods, etc. Good luck to you!
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