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Hot flashes and night sweats
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on Nov 15, 2008 (Read 2802 times | Comments: 18)
Is anyone suffering (and I mean suffering!) from hot flashes and night sweats. If so what have you been doing to relieve them? I was having an awful time until I came across a product called Remifemin. This has really worked wonders for me. I'm really praying that no one has anything bad to say about it because it's been a blessing. I looked into Changes for Women as well, but that company didn't inspire any confidence in me and I ended up sending the whole kit and kaboodle back without even trying it.

on Aug 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Estroven has worked well for me, keeping night sweats under control. I take just one capsule per day, in the AM, with my flaxseed oil, multi-vite and calcium. I am into my 50's and still having regular menstrual cycles (28 days). The night sweats started close to 10 years ago but as long as I stay on the Estroven, there has been no problem. My GYN seems to think this is OK. Good luck...I can still remember the awful feeling of waking up drenched. Hope you find your solution.

on Aug 13, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have horrid night sweats and hot flashes, but I knwo what causes mine and I am cold most other times, so it is not too bad for me. WhenI am sleeping it is annoying. I have a few other freinds who have them too and they SWEAR BY Remifemin. I haven't tried it yet, since I am on other hormone type meds for Endometriosis, but once I am off of those, I might give it a shot if the "hotness" persists.

on Sep 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I, too, have suffered from night sweats and occasionally hot flashes. Because I also have diabetes, I wasn't sure that I wasn't having a low blood glucose issue, so I started to check my blood sugar levels when I'd awaken with the night sweats. It was usually fine. I didn't want to take even the non-synthetic ERT, so I began to use herbal treatments at first (black kohash and evening primrose), which helped a little. My PCP then added Clonodine. That helped for about a month. She said that my body got used to that dosage and she then increased the dosage. So far, so good. I sometimes still get the night sweats, but they are less frequent and less intense. I don't think the same treatments will help for everyone. You need to experiment and find out what works for you. Good luck!

on Oct 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also suffer from hot flashes, from early menopause and Chemotherapy treatments. Mine used to be so bad my bed was soaked and I had to get my poor husband up at night to change the sheets. When I started having hot flashes in about 2003 I went to my family doctor who reluctantly gave me Premarin, Lowest dose with all the warnings about breast cancer yadda yadda yadda. Well the lowest dose wasn't good enough, so I had him raise it, and then again. So I took it for about 5 years, until one year when I had my annual mammogram and they found a tumor. Had a biopsy, CANCER...The first thing they did is literally took my Premarin away from me, took it right aout of my hand. Explained that it didn't cause the cancer but it feeds the cancer. The tumor ended up being 2 different cancers and 2 cms. Which meant Chemo. So I don't care what anyone tells you hormones even in small small doses can be trouble!!!! So I tried Black Cohosh, over the counter. Safer , Oncologist approved.

on Oct 31, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Black cohosh (in many products for hot flashes), flaxseed and soy help mamy. I take Catapres/clonidine in a patch form. The patch gets changed weeky, it really has helped. I still get them at times, but they are far fewer and more mild. Rarely is the bed and my clothes drenched anymore. Try some of the suplements, and if you aren't getting enough relief, talk to your doctor about Catapres. It's actually a blood pressure medication, but was discovered to relieve opiate sweats in patients using narcotics, and withdrawing from narcotics, was then found to help women having hot flashes as well. You can start with the lowest dose, and increase it if it is not effective enough. The patches keep an even blood level in your system, so they have an advantage over the pill. They are the size of a postage stamp, and come with foam covers.

on Nov 02, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes, me too. I'm 31, and I can say I have those off and on. I have not tried anything. I just hope they go away.

on Nov 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My doctor recently (within the last month) started me on 400 IU of Vitamin E daily and 1000 mg of Primrose oil daily as well. Additionally, I supplement with Black Cohosh and eat Soy Protien. I noticed that when I was on the Medifast diet I almost completely stopped having hot flashes. As soon as I got off the diet, Poof! I think it is because the diet is high in Soy Protien.

on Nov 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I managed to get through this without anything because i dont like to take pills for anything if i can help. I wish now that i would have though because I remember the mood swings and so does my exboyfriend ! notice i said ex boyfriend ! he couldnt take me and i didnt even realize how bad i was until it was all over. I cut my long hair off in a frenzy in the middle of the night oncebecause it stayed wet so i guess i would suggest natural things. Hormones can cause breast cancer to grow very fast so i would stay away if you have any family history of that.
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