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Hot flashes and night sweats
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on Nov 15, 2008 (Read 2804 times | Comments: 18)
Is anyone suffering (and I mean suffering!) from hot flashes and night sweats. If so what have you been doing to relieve them? I was having an awful time until I came across a product called Remifemin. This has really worked wonders for me. I'm really praying that no one has anything bad to say about it because it's been a blessing. I looked into Changes for Women as well, but that company didn't inspire any confidence in me and I ended up sending the whole kit and kaboodle back without even trying it.

on Nov 15, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have had this problem also, but I just spent a lot of sleepless nights. It seems to come and go. My mother in law swears by soy and avoiding chocolate, but I have to admit I just deal with it as it comes

on Nov 15, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by scorleto » 
I have had this problem also, but I just spent a lot of sleepless nights. It seems to come and go. My mother in law swears by soy and avoiding chocolate, but I have to admit I just deal with it as it comes

I too am strarting to get these hot flashes and night sweats. HELP!

on Feb 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

hello elisi989 , I to SUFFER with the Terror of the night sweats and the cooking flashes I have no choice but to live with it , I have a medical condition that stops me from taking anything [protein S blood clotting] however if you are a healthy person please go to your doctor hormones are very safe they now give them in small doses and with progestins there is no need to suffer and replacing those hormones help you look and feel younger as well so check with ur doc talk to him or her and ask to check ur levels of hormones it's a blood test no big deal there is hope I am 47yrs old and had a hysterectomy 9yrs ago and still crazy with the flashes I would take anything to stop them. Good Luck

on Feb 15, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am 38 and I have these problems. Its terrible. My gyn prescribed a very mild anti depress med. You have to take them at night. It will help with that and if you are anxious. You do have to try to see which one is best for you. I do know a lot of people taking it. They say it helps. Talk to your doctor.

on Feb 19, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try flaxseed oil. Or take an omega 3 omega 6 supplement. Vitamin E, A, C, and selenium. Give it a little time but it will help with hot flashes. Might not get rid of them completely but should give a little relief. Reduce your sugar intake and get some exercise.

on Mar 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hello elisi 989...I understand...Sometimes my hot flashes are so bad, I am constintly changing clothes, from long sleeves to short sleeves..socks, no socks. They are really bad at night. I haven't found a solution. I really don't want to go on hormones. My Dr. explained them to me. but I don't feel comfortable with the case studies. I haven't tried Remifemin, but have tried Estroven and it lessons the hot flashes and find that I feel better when I have a routine of eating right, keeping hydrated and walking.

on Jun 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Right there with ya, girlfriend! I don't understand how I can be hot AND cold at the same time!! Very frustrating. I can't take most sleeping aids because they make me feel like crap in the morning (and I have to be up early), but my doctor did suggest taking a simple Benadryl (diphenhydramine), which makes me sleepy enough so I can almost ignore them at night. She also suggested Soy milk ("Silk" makes a great tasting chocolate milk), which I have been drinking.

on Jun 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well, I haven't, but someone I know suffer(ed) from hot flashes and took black cohosh. You can find it at wal-mart in the form of a pill. She feels muuucch better! She occassionally gets hot flashes but its been a major improvement. I hope that helps.

on Jun 14, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have yet to find anything to help me with my hot flashes and night sweats. My mother-in-law eats a spoonful of peanut butter whenever it happens to her and it works! But not for me! Can you give me more info on Remifemin? What is it? Natural or not? Over the counter or prescription? Where can you buy it? As you can tell, I am desperate! Thank you, forever29

on Jul 17, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use 2 herb capsules, taken day and night. Relora & Rhodiola. Have been using them for a few years now. Noticed a big differance within a few weeks and after the 1st month no more hot flashes or night sweats. In addition I now sleep better and it helps with better moods/less mood swings and overall well being. Tried many different things over the years till I found this combo that works for me. Everyone is different. Hope you find what works best for you.
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