Paying More At the Pump

   By drodriguez  Jun 02, 2008

With summer just around the corner many of us will be packing bags, getting ready for a much-needed vacation. Whether it be a week away or even just a day at the beach, the price of gas will most likely enter your mind immediately as you begin to build a budget for your trip. With the soaring price of fuel these days, just getting to and from work or the grocery store may be putting a big dent in your monthly spending.

A recent article from CNN tries to answer the question of who or what is to blame for $4 a gallon gas this summer. Astonishingly enough, gas prices from 1999 were at around 90 cents a gallon. How did we get to more than 4 times that in such a short amount of time?

One of the biggest reasons for the higher prices is simply supply and demand. While we are finding and procuring less oil, we are using it more than ever. The reason we are using more now is partly due to the low prices from the 1990’s.

The gas taxes in the 90’s were very low in the U.S. as compared to other developed nations and this encouraged more consumption. It made it seem sensible for a small family to purchase vehicles like big trucks and SUV’s that need a lot more gas per mile than an average car.

Stephen Schork, publisher of the industry newsletter the Schork Report, explains, “Our demand has skyrocketed, but our ability to supply that demand has stagnated.”

To see a timeline of events that could explain the high gas prices we are faced with today you can go to:

Why do you think gas prices have gone up so much in such a short period of time?

What kind of an impact will the cost of gas prices have on your summer plans this year?

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bluebear80 by bluebear80 | bowie, MD
Jun 30, 2008

We are a dependent nation. We do not produce anything to be self sufficient. There is no shortage of oil nor is there a greater demand. It leaves you with the question of WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THE MESS WE ARE IN. The government is not too concerned with what we pay as they give themselves a raise when they get ready so there is nothing left out/off where they are concerned.

People on social security with be in dire straights to get their medicine (which has not gone down), get food and pay utilities plus rent. They simply cannot do it.

We are in trouble and it is going to get worse before it gets better. How will we survive?

bikergirl76 by bikergirl76 | AUSTIN, TX
Jun 24, 2008

We are managing with one car since 2001. I used to carpool to my previous work place. My husband rides his bicycle to work 4 days a week and I use the car one day to run all errands.

In summer of 2006 we had made a pact to peddle to resturants within 7 miles radius :)

this summer is hot we have not been able to go to resturants by bicycle,although, my husband still rides his bicyle to work - he leaves early in the morning and rides bus back in the evening...

We are trying to use the car less / leave less carbon footprint.

sweetheartkoala by sweetheartkoala | Macks Creek, MO
Jun 24, 2008

Living in a rural area, we try to fit all of our shopping during the times we must go out on medical appointments. Unfortunately not all the trips can be done this way. I hope Congress can get this resolved, because it is hurting everyone. At the rate it is going, it will be impossible to heat this winter. We checked propane today to lock it in this winter and it is at $2.30 a gal.. Who can prepay at this price, you would have to save all year.

flwrpwr by flwrpwr | smyrna, GA
Jun 24, 2008

A big concern for us, too. We try to do many errands in one trip.

Aloyse77 by Aloyse77 | Newtown, PA
Jun 18, 2008

The only thing affecting the price is the greed of large corporations that dwell on the poor folks need for the product. Maybe oil distribution and drilling should become owned by the USA. Then there would be more control over pricing.

As far as my summer plans and gas... I installed a pool in the yard. I will not being going to all the local theme parks, beach, or shopping wasting fuel people need to get to and from work. Maybe the gas price will lower if people aren't spending all their money driving places.

showponye by showponye | East Haven, CT
Jun 16, 2008

if its supply and demand thats the problem perhaps its because of the increase in purchase of SUV's...there are many more on the road now! Unfortunately I just bought our first one this past April :(

Lusadi by Lusadi | Wasilla, AK
Jun 14, 2008

We're definitely feeling the impact. Due to the weather conditions where I live, 4 wheel drive is an absolute necessity. The city also hasn't managed to connect all their bike paths or provide usable bike lanes to make that form of commuting safe. It's had such an impact, that I won't even take my child to a park if the park is on the other side of town. The gas is just too expensive. We'll be finding things to do this summer that are quite close to home.

queengigi by queengigi | morris, IL
Jun 14, 2008

Something really needs to be done,the goverment controls and regulates everything else.They can figure something out. lets focus! I am sure it is a very tuff situation for the middle and lower class famlies and single parent, by the time they pay all the bills, chlid care,and fill up thier tank for work, what is left??? they work for gas! It is very sad when you can't afford to drive through this beautiful country to go on vacation. that used to be a thrill, to just go for a ride and enjoy the beautiful sites and scenery. NOW all you think about is how much this is costing you to get from point A to point B. And the problem is just trickling down to everything we do and purchase. Many others like myself live out away from our jobs, and would bike to work but work 25 miles or plus away.

SaraBelle by SaraBelle | Schenectady, NY
Jun 13, 2008

I agree with Sharman. We definately need to become less dependent on foreign oil!

JoeyWallace1978 by JoeyWallace1978 | Bartlett, TX
Jun 13, 2008

I just cant believe the inflation!!!!

sharman421 by sharman421 | TALLAHASSEE, FL
Jun 12, 2008

We need to become less dependent on foreign oil. Studies have shown that today's oil drilling leaves a very small environmental footprint, but Congress's fear of lobbying has brought us to our knees. Yes, we should seek other forms of energy! In fact, that should be a mandate. However, in the meantime, we have ANWR! It is like having gold in our back yard, but refusing to use it. Blame congress. We actually have oil fields in the Southern United states just 50 miles off shore that congress won't let American companies touch! But, hey, Cuba and China are there, and I'm sure their environmental policies are impeccable, right? Since the Pelosi-Reid congress (a very short time) and their wacko regulations, our gas prices have more than doubled. Do the math.

wellcraft by wellcraft | Vermilion, OH
Jun 09, 2008

Stock Market Speculation or is it Manuipulation for investors to raise prices, make a bundle, and hopefully get out before it crashes. Unfortunately, we are all paying for the existing greed and the unwillingness of our national government to investigate.