Healthy Snacks at the Office

   By rlerner  Jan 25, 2010

The key to healthy eating is to make sure we eat several meals and snacks throughout the day.  This ensures our metabolism is going strong and our blood sugar and energy levels remain stable, preventing us from overeating.

We usually eat lunch around noon, which means by about 3 or 4pm we are ready for a SNACK.  If you are home, it is fairly easy to grab a healthy snack, but what about at the office? This is actually easier to do than you think. The most important things to keep in mind when selecting a snack is to make sure it contains protein, fiber, healthy fats and whole grains.  

Below are some healthy ideas for office snacks, which can be stored in your desk drawer or mini-fridge. 

Desk Drawer Snacks

Fresh fruit (apples, grapes, oranges, and bananas are good choices)
Trail Mix (nuts, seeds, raisins or goji berries)
Nuts (almonds or cashews)
Roasted Edamame (soybeans)-Whole grain crackers
Instant oatmeal
Granola bars
Air-popped popcorn (100 calorie bags are easy to find in supermarkets)
Single serving of Baked or Reduced-Fat Chips

Mini-Fridge Snacks

Plain Yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Nut butter (peanut or almond)
Hard-boiled eggs
Mini light cheeses
Cut-up vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, celery, peppers)

Having these snacks readily available at your office will really help you from seeking “unhealthy alternatives” to satisfy your hunger--you know, the ones that might come from a vending machine or fast-food chain

Here’s to healthy snacking!

What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?

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blkallure by blkallure | JERSEY CITY, NJ
Jan 25, 2010

Chocolate Pudding