Enter the Thanks Mom Giveaway

   By SheSpeaksTeam  May 07, 2014

Mothers really do know best!

Somehow they always come up with the right thing to say or do & their guidance lasts a lifetime. That’s why we’re rounding up all of their best advice in our Thanks Mom Giveaway – where you can tell us about your Mom & enter to win a $100 American Express Gift Card!$PullQuote$

For most of us, it was Mom who urged us to “think before you speak” and explained that “actions speak louder than words” – but beyond the basics, we’d love to know a little bit more about what makes your Mom so special to you? Did you inherit some of her superhero qualities? Was there a time when her advice (either hilarious, practical or wise) made a lasting impact? 

 To enter, just comment below and you'll be eligible to win a $100 American Express Gift Card!


 Here is the exquisite "Baby Mine" from Dumbo, sung by Bette Midler.

 Happy Mother's Day to all of our SheSpeaks Moms!!


Baby of Mine


 *This giveaway is open through May 20th to US residents over 18 years of age

 Congratulations to our lucky winner, Tikkun!



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Beckalyn10 by Beckalyn10 | Savannah, GA
May 07, 2014

My mom isn't here anymore but she is with me in my heart and will always be with me. Happy Mothers Day Momma 2

Janellcp by Janellcp | NEW PRT RCHY, FL
May 07, 2014

My mom has always been there for us! She has always make sure we had everything we needed.

AymiMarie by AymiMarie | BLOOMINGTON, IL
May 07, 2014

My mom has always taught me to give when you can!! Even if it's just your time that you are giving

MsDavis by MsDavis | OAKWOOD VLG, OH
May 07, 2014

My Mom is generous to a fault , kind , always cheerful and very patriotic. I often tell her that she is a senior citizen version of a good girl scout.

reb070 by reb070 | san diego, CA
May 07, 2014

My Mom has been patient as my sister and I each raise our children. She brought us up with plenty of extra-curricular activities, and continues the traditions with her grandchildren. She takes an active role in all of our lives, and we do solicit her advice. There have been some very difficult times for us, and she remains the matriarch and voice of reason for us all. She is the best gift giver EVER, too!

storm1 by storm1 | YORBA LINDA, CA
May 07, 2014

My mom is a great teacher and mom of course. She has taught me so many things while growing up and although I was too rebellious to listen to her when I was younger, now that I have my own child, I recall the things she taught and said to me and I try to apply to raising my son. One thing I learned from her (which I'm still trying to achieve) is to be patient as a parent. Your kids will challenge you in any stage of life so just be patient, be calm, and don't let the small things bother you.

minimeeh by minimeeh | San Francisco, CA
May 07, 2014

family forgives. I grew up watching my parents forgiving my brothers for their bad behaviors and my brothers growing up and being pretty decent people. I hear from my friends their family experience and it makes me happy that I have family to rely on.

Freegrl1 by Freegrl1 | ALTON, NH
May 07, 2014

My Mom always told me to sit up straight and act like a lady, I always did. She was also always supportive of the choices I made even if she did not agree with them.

floridagal by floridagal | SARASOTA, FL
May 07, 2014

She mentions that sometimes a knock is a boost. Good advice...that sometimes things don't go your way and you feel let down. But it ends up being a blessing in disguise and something better comes along and it works out better in the end!

linzsnoop by linzsnoop | CROTON HDSN, NY
May 07, 2014

This will be my first Mother's Day without my mom; she died this past summer. As I raise my son, I am reminded of how creative my mom was, and how she would projects and activities for me without spending money...we made our own play doh and paste, for starters. I showed my son how to 'paint' snow this winter, by putting food coloring in different spray bottles and diluting with water. Fun things like that.

angelita74 by angelita74 | PILOT MTN, NC
May 07, 2014

I got my Mom's sense of emotional quotient, wherein a person can read others emotions and play to them.

cdmtx65 by cdmtx65 | Bella Vista, AR
May 07, 2014

my mom is sadly no longer here , but her spirit defiantly lives on :) she always told me ... Never give up and whatever you do give it a 100% .... Miss and love you Mom !

cinnamongirl by cinnamongirl | JOSHUA, TX
May 07, 2014

The best advice my Mom ever gave me was to not say anything if you don't have anything nice to say . It has kept me out of trouble many times.

EatCraftParent by EatCraftParent | Spokane, WA
May 07, 2014

Well, I am who I am because of her! She worked had as a single parent =)

saltpep by saltpep | ELGIN, IL
May 07, 2014

Be kind to everyone!