The Elf on the Shelf { A New Family Tradition }

   By FrugalityForLESS  Dec 09, 2011

Every family has their holiday traditions.  Some traditions are carried on generation after generation and some like to start new.  Since 2011 has been the year of new, I think a new tradition for Christmas fits in perfectly.  This year, my family and I are starting our new tradition, the Elf on the Shelf.

Our little one has no clue that our Elf is on its way!  I cannot wait to for the UPS truck (i.e. the Big Brown truck according to Monkey) to stop at our house with our Elf.  The night we get it, my husband and I will wait for Monkey to go to bed and then the Elf will come visit.  We are both looking forward to seeing her face light up in the morning when she makes the discovery that we have a new visitor in our house.  Each night when she goes to bed, the Elf will find a new spot to watch over her the next day.  In the morning, she will have to find out where the Elf has moved to next.  She will not be allowed to touch the Elf but she will be encouraged to talk to it since the Elf is Santa’s messenger.

Not only does Elf on the Shelf provide a game for the whole family, hopefully since the Elf is watching for Santa, this will help to keep Monkey in line (although she is a wonderful kiddo!).  Each year on Thanksgiving day, the Elf will appear and will visit throughout the New Year (I’ve heard it’s bad luck to take down your decorations prior to the New Year). I am so excited to start this tradition and many more!

If you have never heard of the Elf on the Shelf, feel free to visit Barnes and Noble to read up on it.

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marsmom by marsmom | ABERDEEN, NJ
Dec 09, 2011

I love the elf on the shelf. It helps keep my kids in check over the holiday season. My only complaint is that my oldest daughter found out he was not real because someone posted on Amazon's website a review and wrote that you have to remember to move the elf around every night. Really did this parent think the elf would move himself.