Glad the fruit flies are GONE!

   By MiscRamblings  Oct 09, 2011

In the summer my family is huge on fresh fruits and veggies. But as with all good things, and end must come. You get tired of all the fruit and then come....THE FRUIT FLIES! We got them worse than I have ever had them in my life. They were over the sink, in the bathroom, over the counters and in the trashcan.

Of course, in today's day and age, I went online and Googled "How do you get rid of fruit flies". I never knew there were so many ways you could do this. First I read about apple cider vinegar and a drop of dishwashing detergent. I caught one or two and the others laughed at me. So back to Google I go!

Pour bleach into your drains, this will kill whatever is in there and voila - no more fruit flies. They laughed at me again and kept on annoying me.

Being a college educated woman I figured I was smart enough to trick these little critters into problem right? **rolls eyes** Fly tape! That's my answer, but the problem, no fly tape in the house. Let's try scotch tape on the ceiling and watch the little suckers stick and wiggle. Ten minutes pass and I've caught 5! Whoo hoo, I have the answer. I turn around and talk to my fiance, look back, and they are all GONE! How did the little critters escape? **face palm**

Google again, and come up with something that I never would have thought of in a million years. Incense. So I lit up. I love the smell anyway and if it would get rid of those little pests, BONUS! Believe it or not, their little lungs couldn't handle it and died all around me. Victory is mine!

I started doing the Snoopy dance and plan on keeping it up!
So, when the little critters try to annoy the heck out of you light up my friend, light up!


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CutiePie52510 by CutiePie52510 | Middletown, DE
Oct 09, 2011

Wow, thanks for your post! I am currently dealing with the same problem and was scratching my head over the same information!