Wildcrafting With Dandelions From Your Yard

   By scentednights  May 14, 2011

Wildcrafting is the art of feeding yourself from what grows wild in your yard and neighborhood. I’ve been wildcrafting for about five years after I attended a wildcrafting class at a local college. I thought it sounded like a fantastic way to help supplement our grocery bill for free. I was also drawn to the thought that I’d be eating a more healthy diet and probably one that is closer to what our ancestors ate that the overly processed neon snack foods available in the grocery store today.


When I first started wildcrafting, I got a reference book called Stalking the Wild Asparagus by Euell Gibbons. It’s got great photographs and information to help you identify each plant. I decided to start with something that I could easily identify. There are many plants that look similar to each other so you really need to be positive you know what you’re picking. If you’re not one hundred percent certain, don’t pick it.


There are a few rules to remember when wildcrafting. Never take every plant you find. Leave some for the next person or animal who needs a snack. Never take part of the plant that you don’t need. If you only need the leaves, don’t rip the entire plant out of the ground. It won’t grow back next year so you’ll be destroying your supply.


Also, you need to make sure that you pick from an area that’s safe. Never pick near a road side because all plants will be covered by exhaust from the cars and trucks. Do not wildcraft around telephone poles or any other area where they may have sprayed weed killer. I generally wildcraft in my backyard to be safe. If that doesn’t work for you, try a park or a friend’s house.


The first plant I wildcrafted was dandelions. It’s pretty much the most easily identifiable plant out there that’s edible. Make sure you consult the book to be certain the plant you’ve found is a dandelion and not something like coltsfoot. When I first started wildcrafting, I picked dandelion greens for a salad. You want to pick these very early in the spring so that they aren’t bitter. Don’t wait until the plant has flowered. If your dandelions have flowered, it’s time to make Dandelion Blossom Syrup. This delicious syrup can be used much the same was as honey.



Dandelion Blossom Syrup (from the Prodigal Garden http://www.prodigalgardens.info)

Makes just over 1 pint (2 cups)




  • 1 quart (4 cups) dandelion flowers
  • 1 quart (4 cups) water
  • 4 cups sugar 1/2 lemon or orange,
  • entire fruit including peel,
  • chopped (optional)




This is a traditional recipe passed down from the old world Europeans. It can be used in place of honey in most recipes.

Put blossoms, and water in a pot. Bring just to a boil, turn off heat, cover, and let sit overnight.

The next day, strain and press liquid out of spent flowers. Add sugar and sliced citrus and heat slowly, stirring now and again, for several hours or until reduced to a thick, honey-like syrup. Do NOT boil or it will reach the candy stage & will be rock hard when it cools. Still tasty but not syrup consistency. Can in half pint or one pint jars.

You can double or triple this recipe if you want. Store this in the refrigerator since it isn’t actually *sealed* like water bath canning.

Wildcrafting can be a great way to help keep your grocery budget in check and to learn to survive on what you can forage. There are lots of options as you become more confident in your abilities. I’ve wildcrafted ramps (wild leeks) for a stir fry, fiddle head ferns for a quiche, chicory for a coffee like beverage, and a number of other wild edibles. Don’t forget the obvious choices like wild berry bushes or apple trees that have been abandoned by their owners.



Have you tried anything that you’ve wildcrafted? What’s your favorite plant or recipe?

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drichie by drichie | Alberqueue, NM
Jun 14, 2011

Can someone tell me how good this is ??

scentednights by scentednights | CASTLETON, VT
May 19, 2011

I love chicory! If it's totally new to people, they may want to try mixing it half and half with coffee to get used to the taste as it's slightly different. The depression era is one of my favorite time periods to study. They knew so much that we've forgotten!

beingtazim by beingtazim | North Vancouver, OU
May 18, 2011

I never knew about this - sounds interesting, though. I like chicory in place of coffee at times, and knew they did that a lot in the 30s. for instance when coffee was scarce...never thought about wildcrafting it though.

scentednights by scentednights | CASTLETON, VT
May 17, 2011

Oh definitely there are lots of things you can do. The greens before the flower blooms are wonderful in salad. The yellow flower parts can be batter dipped & deep fried too. Or you can make dandelion jelly! Great project to do with the kids to get them into learn about what we can eat that's out in the back yard.

camille10783 by camille10783 | NORWALK, CA
May 17, 2011

This is so interesting, who would have thought. Maybe my 2 year old was trying to tell me something when she brings me a handful of dandelions that she picks from our yard :).

gzwoman by gzwoman | Virginia Beach, VA
May 15, 2011

Nice to know there's something to do with these "weeds" other than blow on them. Might have to try this with the kids.

makeovermomma by makeovermomma | STAUNTON, VA
May 15, 2011

Wow, my girls would LOVE to try this! We have so many "weeds" in our yard, but I think they're absolutely beautiful. So cool to know they can really be used productively too!

scentednights by scentednights | CASTLETON, VT
May 14, 2011

Thanks, ladies. It really is quite good. There's a bunch of different things you can do with dandelions. Thanks heavens we have tons of them!

DianeHoffmaster by DianeHoffmaster | LILBURN, GA
May 14, 2011

I knew dandelions were edible but had never heard of dandelion syrup! Thanks for this post! Very informative!

carenxx by carenxx | COLONIAL BCH, VA
May 14, 2011

I would never have thought that Dandelions could be used to make a syrup! How frugal!

scentednights by scentednights | CASTLETON, VT
May 14, 2011

This really is an easy recipe to make with the kids. Dandelions are so easy to recognize and you can find them just about anywhere!

zoethegreat by zoethegreat | MAPLEWOOD, NJ
May 14, 2011

Wow! I have never heard of this. This sounds like a great activity to do with my kids. We just planted a garden with our kids. They are learning about growing vegetables, flowers and plants. This would be a great additional activity we could do with them. Its nice for this time of year.