Tiger Woods Says Goodbye To Privacy

   By drodriguez  Dec 08, 2009

We’ve all heard the news and witnessed the number of women on the list of Tiger Woods’ alleged extramarital affairs growing daily.  Whether you seek out the reports or just happen to hear about them on the evening news, it seems they are everywhere.  The extent of the Woods coverage is leaving many to question whether all of this should be such a public matter. 

Even if you have no interest in golf, you are probably well aware of who Tiger Woods is and most of us know how he prefers to keep his life, outside the sport, very private.  All of this changed recently when Woods was involved in a car accident just outside his home.  After the accident, reports started surfacing about a domestic disturbance with his wife that may have led up to the accident and the alleged affairs that fueled the disturbance. 

With each day since the accident it seems a new woman declares publicly that she too had an affair with Woods.  The latest count of women making this claim is ten.  A recent articles from Forbes discusses whether or not Woods’ family matters should be kept private.  A poll from The Sharkey Institute for Seton Hall University found that 78 percent of responders thought that details about the car accident and the alleged fight with Woods’ wife should have been kept private.

Tiger Woods himself has responded to all the press surrounding him and his family when he said, "Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn’t have to mean public confessions."  Forbes points out how this statement is ironically presented in the form of a press release and a public confession.  This is reminiscent of the way the women who host ABC’s The View recently agreed on air that Tiger Woods’ family problems should be kept private just before they all began to dish on the latest gossip that surrounded him.

What do you think of the way the media has been covering Tiger Woods’ affairs?

Do you think when someone in the public eye commits adultery we have the right to hear about it or should it remain a private family matter?

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Ttolea by Ttolea | Sanford, FL
Dec 09, 2009

I think if he's going to be out there promoting himself as a wholesome, trustworthy person so that I will purchase those products; then yes he deserves to have this part of his life in the media. He makes his living off of the public and leading us to believe that he is someone that he's not. So we as the purchasing public have the right to know who it is that we are supporting and have the "open eye" choice to not support that product anymore.

Lusadi by Lusadi | Wasilla, AK
Dec 09, 2009

I'm amazed that the public even cares about this. When did people who are good at sports or acting become our moral hero's? It is sheer idiocy. I'd much rather never hear a word about people like Tiger Woods and hear more about actual news. The only time I feel it matters how one of these people behaves is when they are an elected public official. Otherwise, it seems like most of these celebrities are miserable human beings, particularly in the sporting world.

VictoriasPlace by VictoriasPlace | Newfield, NJ
Dec 09, 2009

I realize that with being a public figure (i.e. sports, politics, etc) people are going to be all in your life, but for real it's no one's business but his wife and his! Fine, he did it and now we all know about it, now let him deal with the consequences of his actions (which I'm sure she'll make out in the end...who knows while the cat was away-playing, the mouse may have too!) and just leave them alone. No one REALLY knows what the whole situation is...

Marsha47 by Marsha47 | INDIANAPOLIS, IN
Dec 09, 2009

I honestly donot care to hear it. His affairs are the one's who will answer to God for what they have or have not done. I think that whaever the outcome, if it's that he is guilty, then I feel his wife should leave him and take the WHLE fortune he has made for himself. She should then be made to share with their kids and she should retain custody andlive wherever she/they want to live. But once she turns her back on him, then she should make it stick.

castingbread by castingbread | Mooresboro, NC
Dec 09, 2009

Not sure if it is right or wrong to be in the media, but in America it seems to be accepted that if you are "paid" by the public--big time figures in sports/entertainment industries--the public "owns" you and get the right to your private life, too.

MadHatter by MadHatter | Whitestone , NY
Dec 09, 2009

personally, i wont even want to walk in Tiger's shoes because i wont even think once on cheating on someone i married. Marriage is a commitment, if he thinks he married too early and he wasted his youth not testing out the water, catching more â??fishesâ?? out in the sea before being committed, then he should have dealt with it much differently then â??allegedlyâ?? sneak behind his wifeâ?'s back. There has been a reported 10 allegations, however the man never admitted to the affairs or denied them. He has been vague with his responses, and he has every rights to be, because why does he have to answer to the public? What rights do we have to know about this? None whatsoever. He did mention that he let his family down. Did he mean he let them down by allowing his used to be private life shattered? Or did he mean he let this get out of hand when he should have addressed it when it first hit the fan? Either way, the man needs time. It is between him and his wife.

ruthterry by ruthterry | San Diego, CA
Dec 09, 2009

seen meant scene

ruthterry by ruthterry | San Diego, CA
Dec 09, 2009

and one more thing he probably didn't think he would get caught because of his surperior - above society rules mentality. even the way the cops treated him was not like a regular citizen would have been. I knew when they were mentioning no alcohol at the seen that he was most likely wasted on his prescription meds (which he was!)

ruthterry by ruthterry | San Diego, CA
Dec 09, 2009

when you parade yourself as a "family" man and then go and diddle a bunch of bimbos (yes it takes two, women who knowingly mess around with married men are pretty much trash and probably have daddy never told you he loved you issues) and you are in the public eye well that comes with the territory. we all want to have our cake and eat it too, but real world doesn't work that way. Tiger = lack of morals and values.

mazziemae by mazziemae | CINCINNATI, OH
Dec 09, 2009

walk a mile in the other person's shoe before you judge so harshly

bozemanbrooks by bozemanbrooks | Bozeman, MT
Dec 09, 2009

People love celebrity gossip. I do agree that this is a private matter but shame on Tiger Woods for deceiving his wife and children. Iâ?'m surprised that he was able to get away with 10 different women (there could be more, who knows). The media might be covering this story a little too much but he kind of asked for it. The way they handled the accident just made people more curious and had to know the â?'real story.â?? Embarrass the hell out of that cheating bastard but leave his wife and children alone.

jemappel by jemappel | Rye Brook, NY
Dec 09, 2009

I don't really care on Tiger's account whether it's public or private, but I wish it were private for his wife's sake. Some of his mistresses seem like opportunists who want to be in the limelight and they give the media more fodder. I do think that text messages and emails should be kept private...that's just going too far and it's trashy.

Even more, I just can't believe how every famous man is a freakin' cheater...John Edwards, David Letterman, now Tiger...is there any high-profile man who does cheat? It's just crazy.

BlondieKAA by BlondieKAA | CRIVITZ, WI
Dec 09, 2009

While I agree that this is a private matter, if you are in the public eye your life is put under the microscope whether they like it or not, and whether it's right or not. The media and public seems to be very interested in the celebrity gossip. So even though it may not be right and we think it should be kept private, this kind of news does come out to the public when the person is famous. But I do wish for the family's sake, it was kept private.

pjclayton57 by pjclayton57 | Oceanport, NJ
Dec 09, 2009

When you are in the public eye you should be aware that anything that you do or say is news for the public. I don't agree with that, but it is a fact of life. The paparazzi are news-hungry and live off of others mistakes and mishaps. This is unfortunate for his family yet he should have known better than to think that it would go undetected and unreported.

nonda1 by nonda1 | Crescent, OK
Dec 09, 2009

I think this should definitely be a private matter. Put yourself in those shoes...