Dream A Little Dream

   By drodriguez  Mar 16, 2009

We’ve all woken suddenly in the night from a dream that feels too real to be just the inner workings of the brain at rest.  The images we see while we sleep can be very convincing at times, so convincing in fact that we may alter our day so as not to face events that occur in dreams.  This is one of the reasons why a team of researchers have dedicated their studies to finding out if our dreams act to influence our daily behavior.

ABC News recently reported about a study that was conducted by Morewedge and Michael I. Norton of Harvard on the topic of dreams.  The Nortons’ studies spanned both Eastern and Western cultures including the United States, South Korea, and India.  Overall, the researchers found that people tend to place great importance on their dreams.

In the study the researchers caution people about the lengths they go to after having a realistic or disturbing dream.  Researchers used one example of this by saying, “Dreams of spousal infidelity may lead to suspicious accusation, alienating one’s spouse and potentially provoking actual infidelity.” 

A majority of the 182 people surveyed in Boston reported that dreams do affect their day to day behavior.  About 68 percent believe that dreams can foretell their future while 63 percent said that at least one of their dreams had come true in the past.  The study also showed that people are more likely to change their travel plans after having a dream about a plane crash than they would if they had a waking thought about a crash or received warnings from the government. 

Even though the images and thoughts we experience during sleep are subconscious, they are still coming from our own psyches which leads us to place greater importance on them.  The study closed by saying, “although dreams are unlikely to predict future world events, it is possible that they may provide some hidden insight into diurnal life in the way that laypeople believe they do.”

What do you think about the way dreams can affect our behavior?

Do you think your dreams affect the way you go about your day to day life?

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Chicago by Chicago | Libertyville, IL
Mar 25, 2009

I used to have very unsettling re-occurring dreams. I'm glad that they never came true. It seems that I would have these dreams when I was unsettled in general, or worried about something. The dreams never helped me solve anything and, in fact, caused me to be even more anxious becuase I was having the "nighmare" again. Not sure what dreams mean, or if they are useful in one's wakefulness. Regardless, I think dreams are very individual in terms of where they come from.

linda_answer by linda_answer | SAINT LOUIS, MO
Mar 24, 2009

After my husband lost his job I started having dreams repeatedly about being in a fancy hotel, not in a hotel room, but just in the main foyer. It always ended with me calling home to my husband on my cell phone. It was strange. Then I read something on the internet and it mentioned dreaming about hotels, then it said if it was an upscale hotel it meant business or money problems. Makes sense about the money problems since my hubby had lost his job. Then it said if you were alone and not with a spouse it meant your relationship was good. And that part is true as we have been happily together since high school and married for 31 years. After my hubby got on disability and we had money coming in, bingo, the hotel dreams totally disappeared! I do take stock in dreams overall.

LovesFlowers by LovesFlowers | RIVERSIDE, CA
Mar 23, 2009

Are you kidding? My sister has experienced airplane disasters in her sleep and awakened to turn on the news and find that at that exact time a real plane crash had occurred exactly the way she dreamed it! I've dreamt things that have come true so many times I cannot count. One has to learn to discern which are prophetic dreams and which are simple 'brain static'. I have plenty of those too. Most of the time you can figure out which is which by just thinking about conversations, television/radio/video programming you've watched, situations you're concerned about as opposed to something you "have a bad feeling about." I think science is too quick to pass off real prophetic dreams that have saved people's lives literally. No matter how advanced scientific research may be, they still cannot control the supernatural.

CutieBaby by CutieBaby | chicago, IL
Mar 23, 2009

I used to have this dream and i had for 1 whole year. It was so disturbing. God knows what these dreams mean. Thank God i dont have this dream anymore

Jargon by Jargon | Bakersfield, CA
Mar 20, 2009

I often have dreams that seem to foretell the future. Not in a really obvious way but I will dream of being in a certain place at a certain time and hearing someone say a certain thing and then it happens. Or I will have a dream that is a continuation of different dreams that I had years before. I once had a dream that my husband was cheating on me with my friend and I woke up furious with him. The notion of him dallying with my friend was laughable at best but that didn't stop the immediate visceral reaction. Poor guy. Lol..

sangeetagarg by sangeetagarg | Austin, TX
Mar 19, 2009

I think some of my dreams came out to be true or atleast they gave me a clue to something which happened later on.So who knows.?Sometime they are just a state of our mind or outcome of something which is hidden in our thoughts.

Teresajane by Teresajane | Columbiana, AL
Mar 19, 2009

I agree with the study and think that people do sometimes make changes in their day to day lives based on dreams. Although I rarely remember dreams. I do know that my husband has vivid dreams quite often. Usually his dreams are too bizarre to be mistaken for realistic and are often relating to his involvement in historical events. :)

missy47 by missy47 | Lexington, KY
Mar 19, 2009

I do think dreams help us grow. I know that being older now, that the dreams I have seem to be more crazy. I remember one dream that I had when my son was about 10 years old. The dream showed me, my son, and our three dogs under a tree. My husband was not in it. When my husband asked for a divorce several months later, then I knew what that dream meant. I have had several dreams where things have come true. I really hate the dreams I have all the time when I am looking for a place to go to the bathroom. The bathrooms in my dreams are disgusting and dirty. Some of the tolits are falling in. I can't even sit on one either. Then I always wake up and have to go to the bathroom really bad in the middle of the night. My dream is telling me to wake up, and let me tell you, I am grateful for that. I have had dreams also of my second husband leaving me, but know this is all my thinking, and would never happen.

rosebudchela by rosebudchela | chicago, IL
Mar 18, 2009

Oh do I hate when I wake up with a head ache. Also the dreams that you wake up and then you fall back to sleep in the same dream.

miscellaneousfinds4u by miscellaneousfinds4u | Renton, WA
Mar 18, 2009

Researchers used one example of this by saying, ?Dreams of spousal infidelity may lead to suspicious accusation, alienating one's spouse and potentially provoking actual infidelity.? I can agree with this! I've been happily married for 25-years but had a very vivid dream about my husband having an affair. I couldn't shake the feeling of it for a couple of days. Really hoping I don't have that one again! Great info! Thanks, Connie

flower54 by flower54 | Cookeville, TN
Mar 17, 2009

I do think that dreams effect our behavior. If they seem real it does effect your day. I have had very realistic type dreams. Also have had dreams of certain places and things and find that years later I'll be somewhere and it occurs to me that I've seen this place or thing in my dreams. Anyone else have this experience?

am_i_lost by am_i_lost | Centralia, IL
Mar 17, 2009

I have always heard that dreams do have related meaning to ones' life but I have never looked into it myself. Although I think that it would be very interesting. I have had dreams that have left me feeling very uneasy when I have been struggling with a decision in my life. Maybe that's my subconscious letting me know it's not the right thing to do.

jessica23 by jessica23 | phoenix, AZ
Mar 16, 2009

I definatly think that we are affected by dreams. However, I beleive that dreams are a way of our brain to work out subconscious problems and stuff. The problems might ones that we are aware of and the symbols might not be clear (l have a dream dictionary that I love!). Writing down dreams as soon as I can rember them and then refering to my dictionary has helped me figure out some of my dreams meanings...

ticklemeusilly by ticklemeusilly | Louisville, KY
Mar 16, 2009

I hate to admit it, but yes dreams have affected my daily life. I have been a little upset with a friend and my husband after having a dream that they were having an affair. Ok, it was just a dream, but it bothered me for days. I kept going over it in my mind, and thinking if there were clues that I had seen and they were only coming up to the surface in my resting mind. It took me a while to get back to normal. And this was years ago, and no, they never did have an affair, it was just a bad dream, so I was a little crazed to alienate a friend for a few weeks over it, and risk losing her, over it. She did have a secret boyfriend though, so maybe that was it? Who knows? She didn't want us to know because we always check them out and make a big deal out of it, and she didn't know if this would last or not. But it did, and they are now married.