don't really like this magazine and the cover already makes me laugh..blonde haired women with a great body..come on where are the real women
I absolutely love Women's Health and everything connected with it. This magazine as well as the male version, Men's Health, is the go-to for not only looking great but getting healthy! Looking great is really just the bonus. The magazine pushes the "Abs Diet" which is not a diet at all, but a way of eating healthy and getting the most out of the food put into our bodies. THe best part is, is it is sustainable; anyone can do it, plus they recommend "cheat days". Moderating is key!!
Love this magazine! It really helped me get healthy, lose a lot of weight, and keep it off! The articles are well-written and easy to follow. In addition, they offer recipes and exercise instructions that can easily be duplicated at home.
I would appreciate more health related topics and less "how to" sex topics. The exercises are usually for the beginning exerciser and don't go into a lot of depth.
love the helpful tips... especially the beauty one!!!
GREAT magazine with great tips and good recipes too!
I love the magazine. It has great articles and very good tips.