Why More Professional Women Are Leaving Their Handbags At Home

   By SheSpeaksTeam  May 20, 2019


That new designer handbag may make you swoon, but is it practical for the office? Loads of women on the go are beginning to see the benefits of bringing a trusty backpack to the office and leaving their purses at home.

The Atlantic reports about the new backpack trend among professional working women who are choosing practicality over purses for work. Professional men have long seen the benefits of carrying a backpack over lugging a briefcase to work for a while now. But, it is just this past year the market research firm NPD reports a 28% increase in women’s backpack sales, as well as a decline in women’s handbag sales.

Benefits of backpacks like being roomier, easier on the back and posture, and having more compartments are just a few of the perks leading many women to ditch their purse. Long commutes on public transportation can be trecherous when carrying a heavy purse on one arm. San Francisco marketing specialist Silver Lumsdaine explains her transformation from dedicated handbag fan to practical backpack commuter. Lumsdaine explains, “A year ago, I would have said, ‘You’ll have to pry my leather satchel purse from my cold, dead hands. But after standing in a jam-packed bus for a 45-minute, swaying, nausea-inducing commute over the hills of San Francisco with my hand cramping in pain from holding my laptop-burdened purse, I did what any reasonable person would do.”

Lumsdaine is definitely not alone, NPD’s accessorie’s analyst Beth Goldstein points out that it is mostly women in metropolitan citites that do a lot of commuting and walking who have made the switch. Goldstein says, “It’s the convenience, the hands free, and not hurting your shoulders. Not worrying about dropping your phone.” And as more women go the way of the backpack, handbag designers are right there to offer them what they want. Designers like Prada, Gucci,and Louis Vuitton have created backpack versions of some of their most popular purse designs.

What do you think of the backpack trend among professional working women?

Do you still carry a handbag to work or have you switched to a backpack?

Make a Comment

FreeBe by FreeBe | KILLEEN, TX
Sep 14, 2019

It is great! Teachers have been doing it for years. There are many classy backpacks out their that not only offer the style needed for a work place, but also offer the comfort of distributed weight. Backpacks are better four our backs and help to keep things hands free.

sarah18 by sarah18 | VINEYARD, UT
Jul 22, 2019

I think that the backpack trend is great! It's much more comfortable carrying your bag and belongings on your back than holding a purse on your shoulders or arm bend. I've found that a backpack is so convenient because you can toss whatever you need in there and still have your hands free in order to do other things!

nosyqueen by nosyqueen | Harare, OU
Jul 16, 2019

I always use a backpack. It's easier to carry around and hands free. You can carry a lot of things including workout clothing

Nblackburn by Nblackburn | SEVEN SPRINGS, NC
May 29, 2019

I carry a tote style purse, sometimes I will use a backpack as a purse. Like when I'm at an amusement park or something like that. It can be more comfy.

Iamlou by Iamlou | ABBEVILLE, SC
May 29, 2019

I feel using a backpack is a great idea. There would even be room for workout gear! Now to find a pretty, lightweight version...

basilandcatnip by basilandcatnip | GARLAND, TX
May 23, 2019

I've always carried a backpack, safer to leave hands free, can lock it, also multi-straped. I've tried using my handbag for work stuff but only thing that happens is the handles bend out of shape or break.