Though we all know soda is bad for us, a new study suggests it may be even more detrimental to our health than was ever thought before. People who have a three-soda-a-day habit may actually be putting their lives in great jeopardy. The high levels of concentrated sugar in each can add up to dangerous doses that have proven to lead to dire consequences on our health and life span.
Washington Post reports about a study, from University of Utah, where they tested the effects of various concentrations of sugar on lab mice. Scientists fed them the mouse equivalent of sugar equal to what it would be like if we drank three 12 ounce sodas each day. Lead author James S. Ruff adds, “That’s three sodas if the rest of your diet is pristine and sugar-free.”
What scientists found was that female mice on the sugary diet were twice as likely to die during the study; than compared to the mice on a regular diet with the same amount of calories. The male mice lifespan was not as effected as females, but they suffered reproductive consequences due to their sugar intake.
In this study, sugar made up about 25% of the diet fed to the mice. Scientists estimate that somewhere around one in four people take in that much sugar daily. In the past, researchers have used great quantities of sugar on lab animals to test the effects of the sweet stuff, but this new study provides a more accurate example of how even moderate sugar intake may be hurting our health.
Scientists believe the addition of high fructose corn syrup in a lot of food and beverage products has led to higher rates of sugar consumption since it allows for a more concentrated dose.
What do you think of the new study that shows moderate sugar consumption may lead to a shorter lifespan?
Does this information make you think twice about consuming sugary sodas and other snacks?
is it possible i hope not because im addicted to soda especially filled with ice
I have never been a soda drinker. I maybe drink ONE diet cola a week and that is it. I have always been a water drinker and I also love Skim Milk. Sometimes I also drink Diet V-8 Splash along with my breakfast. So I am safe as far as liquids I drink but food can be my big downfall at times!
I don't drink regular soda as much as I use to. I don't consume anything that has artificial sweeteners in it.
It does make me think twice about my sugar consumption, though my soda habit is of the diet kind. I wonder how many of those a day are bad for you lol. I know the stuff's "toxic" but I'm hopelessly addicted.
I don't drink soda much but I really wish my husband would switch to more water or something. He drinks almost 2 liters a day... yes, you read that right!
I try to stay away from soda, and am very thankful that my son doesn't care for it. Reading this article definitely helps me want to quit drinking soda! There will definitely be more water and less soda in my future.
Diet Soda with aspartame is the worst. I was addicted to it. I have finally been diet soda free for over a year.I did try a few alternatives to break my habit. I bought a six pack of soda sweetened with Stevia. Stevia is NATURAL. It actually took my 3 months to drink the six pack, because my body was no longer craving the addictive ingredients in the UN-natural sodas. So glad I kicked the habit and added years to my life :-)
Oh my goodness...I am totally addicted to soda. I try to stay away from the 'brown' as often as possible because I heard those are the worse offenders but I'm still a bit over that 3 a day level. This is definitely an eye opener. More water way less soda for me.
I heard that just one soda per day and dramtically increase your chance of pancreatic cancer. The first ingredient in soda is high fructose corn syrup with I try to avoid in ALL food/drink products. I also try to avoid artificial sweeteners. I quit drinking soda about 5 years ago. Once you make the switch to something healthier, you won't even miss the soda. I drink water either plain or with a fruit slice(lemon/lime) added.